Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I can’t either, but I found Gritty.

That campus drawing is from Current Affairs (lefty) and was under a headline along the lines of “What Conservatives Think is Going on at College”.

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Coming right up.

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Reminds me of this cartoon


Love it.

Biden Among Obama-Era Officials Who May Have Received Flynn Intel Material

Former Vice President Joe Biden is on a list of names provided to Senate Republicans by a sympathetic spy boss this week in connection with the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

That was the latest twist in a yearslong saga that changed course again this week following action behind the scenes by acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, who declassified the names of a number of people who requested information linked to Flynn in the final days of the Obama administration.

Sixteen former officials, including Biden, are on the list and described as having potentially received intelligence reporting connected to Flynn. A message from the National Security Agency included with Grenell’s note to the Republicans says it isn’t clear who may actually have viewed it.

Nonetheless, President Trump and his supporters have sought political revenge with the release of the material years after what they perceived as an out-of-bounds attack from the expiring Obama team.

Way to wait until the fourth fucking paragraph to question the propaganda, NPR.

So do I have this right, the current line is:

“Obama/Biden knew Flynn was a bad guy, so you should be mad at them for not telling me, also Michael Flynn is a great guy and it’s a disgrace he (checks notes) pleaded guilty to a felony?”



It’s gonna work. Again.

There’s that word again. In the case of The 1619 Project, however, it is not inapt.

A wonderful interview of a Lincolnian explaining why context matters and facile thought flounders:


I think this is a perfect example of why the media sucks. That tweet should not exist as a tweet, a headline or a sentence, in print or on air.

If they want to talk about trump creating more baseless accusations, they should, but you don’t EVER include what they are, that is crazy.

The media in this country is absolutely conspiring to give us four more years of Trump.

If the Democrats were smart, haha, they would freeze out all the mainstream outlets until they do a better job.

“But we won’t give coverage”, anything is better than what they are doing currently.

If they were providing equal coverage there would be a dozen stories a day on cnn saying trump is a criminal, trump should be in jail etc etc. there are not.


Or just call his baseless claims “baseless claims”, his lies “lies”, his naked racism “racism”, etc. They insist on framing everything in terms like “debate rages over color of sky, Trump claims sky is yellow with pink polka dots but some Dems claim it is actually blue”. It’s fucking blue, just say so.




Punchable Face Mt. Rushmore candidate

I am wondering what access they think they are losing. Any of us could report 99% of what most of them cover. I feel like their “access” is worth two things “jack” and “crap”.

Two of the most thorough trump reporters have bots here and they don’t go anywhere near him or need anyone’s permission.

Just feels like they are protecting their prestige at beltway mixers and don’t really care about doing their job.

I think they all have an anonymous insider they can connect with to theoretically get an inside scoop, but they don’t seem to have any interest in actually leveraging those connections.

I think it has more to do with having been trained to act a certain way in a certain environment but not being actually good at critical thinking and adapting. These are hallmarks of a dying profession.

Hey at least the replies are good:


Came here to post that. Like Haberman doesn’t actually believe that last sentence right? I’m not saying she’s smart but she’s not that fucking stupid. It’s just that the job of journalists now is to make up counterfactual possibilities because the correct answers won’t fill a continuous news cycle. The headline about Trump every day should just be “President still a narcissistic moron, no possibility of change” but the only person who can make doing that piece repeatedly interesting is David Roth.

Who, by the way, wrote this piece describing exactly this phenomenon.

It’s so strange to watch what amounts to religious thinking taking hold of the liberal left. Like sure Q followers are batshit insane, but what do you call thinking that Trump is a guy who is capable of “softening” in response to his trophy wife’s requests? It seems in the category of religious utterances like “everything is part of God’s plan” which you have to be insane to believe, but the repetition of which is a means of ritually driving away the fear that you are not in control of anything that happens to you. Which is something that is becoming pretty clear to a lot of privileged people right now.

Like Trump is a man whose only talent is conning people, so he’s tried to treat the pandemic like a public relations issue and he’ll continue to do so. But because that’s an uncomfortable truth to face, it’s the job of reporters to make up fairy stories about fantasy scenarios where Trump might “soften” to maintain the feeling of normalcy which they are paid to create for their readers.

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