Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Do not give them money. It’s not accidental.


Exhibit 1,977:

This is the best they could come up with:

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Rachel fucking this toxic Bernie Bros chicken again and spitballing ideas with Liz about who can stop it and if the Democratic party needs to get involved. Like, somebody fill in this thought for me. The DNC is going to catalog snake emojis from unverified Twitter accounts claiming to support Sanders and then _____________. Seems like it would be a lot easier to start by policing the identifiable on-air talent* at your own network literally comparing Bernie and his supporters to Nazis.

*former on-air talent


Rachel was proclaiming how she’s been a true progressive for her entire life last night. Yet in both 2016 and 2020 she actively pushed bullshit anti-Sanders talking points non stop. She’s a great journalist, but she fucking sucks when it comes to covering dem elections.

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Watching this tonight brought a whole new light to Liz for me, I’d have gave her the benifit of the doubt over most things other twitter folks outraged about her antics this campaign, after watching and listening for an hour and learning tha fact that Vermount was the 1st and 2nd town hall Liz ever appeared at & knowing Bernie before she was involved in politics and with how he has treated her as a person but that dam Internet, you know… :thinking:

It’s literally a coordinated hit job from the DNC. The 2016 shit is searchable in the leaked emails and there’s no way that it’s any different now. However, they learned the great thing about the “some people on Twitter…” trick–it isn’t refutable, unlike the story about Bernie Bros throwing chairs which was reported by every major media outlet.





What the fuck. How does that get on air!

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NPR just out there calling balls and strikes.

Bernie Sanders: why is he racist against black billionaires?



Lol, both of them.


Colbert I. “Colby” King writes a column — sometimes about D.C., sometimes about politics — that runs in print on Saturdays. In 2003, he won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary for “for his against-the-grain columns that speak to people in power with ferocity and wisdom."


Good news!

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The fuck?

Congratulations Bernie!

These assholes


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Today, he became President