Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

There’s also like champagne sharks, struggle session, delete your account, and trilbillies that all fit the description way better than cum town.

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Chris Matthews retiring on air right now. This is his last episode.

Edit: and he maybe just walked out after announcing the retirement and semi-apologizing for the metoo stuff. Kornacki just came on and was like “well we’ve gotta figure out how to fill the rest of this hour”

Looks like they have Mike Pence filling in

Don’t let the door hit you, scumbag



I didn’t realize he had a #MeToo moment of his very own

May Chuck Todd follow him to the exit soon hereafter


I’d give Charlamagne and crew this Hardball timeslot but I guess I’d have be a corporate shithead propagandist to have that kind of say at a TV news conglomerate.

Does Chuck Todd get to choose Matthews’ replacement?

My guess is they will move Nicole Wallace (literally worked for George W. Bush and Sarah Palin) to that slot.

Where can I see video of him walking out and Kornackis attempt to recover the program?

After that section above they cut to break then Kornack came on looking shook.

So, I watched finally this and I have to give Matthews credit for a real apology where he says he is sorry instead of being sorry that anyone was offended and he didn’t excuse his behavior, not only saying that it was wrong but that it was always wrong.

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This is his reaction:


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I guarantee Matthews will give an interview within two months where he blames his firing on Bernie bros and the fact that he’s a creep is completely glossed over


Probably but even MSNBC cited that piece the Daily Show did so it’s gonna be a difficult sell.



