Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Imagine if we make the country a much better place for 99% of the people who live there, but sell our soul to a populist in the process. Was it really worth it? I think not.

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I think 75% of US adults have a podcast at this point.

I actually discussed that on the most recent episode of my podcast


I listen to 4 podcasts at once, all at different speeds. #LIFEHACK


Chuck Toad interviewing Jim Cramer. We’re in The Matrix.

If you pitch shift half or them way up and half way down you can probably listen to 8 at once.

I’m out of adjectives.


Mask is all the way off, that article is an absolute disgrace.

speaking of poor “media” outlets…oof. RIP twitter.

Totally gruncjing this thread looking for advice.

My dad, a 69 year old Democrat who is super anti-Trump and voted Bernie in 2016, loves MSNBC. He never misses Maddow. He’s on his iPad for hours every day reading MSM news and watching MSNBC/CNN coverage. It has definitely soured him on Bernie a bit, which is disheartening. Seeing someone as critical as he is fall for their shit is super frustrating.

I have gotten him to slowly see that even these “liberal” outlets are pretty awful. He just asked me “what channel do you like?” Problem is that I don’t watch any TV. I get most of my news through this site and social media. What’s the best place for someone like him who wants to know every detail about what’s going on in politics to go? I’d love to break him of his NPR/MSNBC/establishment garbage habit, but I have no clue what to suggest.

PBS is decent. Not much on TV/youtube is unbiased anymore, unfortunately. No one just reports news, it seems like

Most of the reasonable stuff is print now. (well, websites)

I mean, point him to TYT if you want to get him back to Bernie, or Chapo Trap House if you want InfoWars style stuff on the left. :rofl:

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Anand is great too to listen too, he has some great stuff out atm…

David pakman too is also good…


I actually have been listening to the Breakfast Club a lot lately. They do some good, down-to-earth interviewing with a different perspective than my lily-white ass is used to.

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TheHill.TV ‘Rising’ with Krystal Ball and Sagaar Enheti is outstanding. Far less ‘extreme’ than TYT. I’ve found myself watching this even more than TYT lately.


No one ever did this. Ever.

I assume they mean Cum Town, even though it’s not a poltiics podcast. It’s sort of Dirtbag Left-adjacent.

Edit: I mean that’s a massive giveaway as to what they’ve read about the “new American left”. Red Scare is infamous for being kind of edgelordy and anti-woke, that’s not a list of “bards of the new American left”, it’s a list of podcasts which have annoyed libs, that’s why they’re mentioning Cum Town and not Revolutionary Left Radio, Citations Needed etc.