Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Ok, Plato.

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Lol this rag

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MSNBC fill-in/graveyard host subtweeting many of his higher paid co-workers and correspondents



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They reward a world-class scumbag, truly unbelievable


It’s not that they’re rewarding the Veritas idiot. It’s that they’re punishing Wright for getting caught saying truths about ABC’s coverage that make them look bad. Like say what you will about the Veritas idiot, but the candid views of the guys working for these terrible news outlets is valuable imo. It is legit interesting to see Wright criticize ABC. It was interesting to see that Amy Robach lady express her frustration at NBC for killing her Epstein story. Not that I have all that much sympathy for Wright or Robach, they’re choosing to make a gazillion dollars a year to work for terrible news organizations. They could always choose an honest occupation like house painting or accounting or something.

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That’s some top notch labeling there, CNBC.


Person who labeled the states skipped their medication?

Lol wtf

They fixed it. Apparently the colors were based on the erroneous label. I knew MN couldn’t be that bad.

Lol David Brooks.

Honestly I think Sanders can make some hay in the general just by saying look the nyt fucking ghouls that you all hate prefer trump to me.

This is some unhinged shit.

If some miracle happens and we’re all sitting with no student loans, free childcare, and responsibly managed diabetes in a few years I wonder whether they’ll retcon this all away or continue to double down about how actually 4 years of free college is basically slavery.

LOL Brooks but thanks for A vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy IRL.

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Populists like Sanders speak as if the whole system is irredeemably corrupt.

As if.

Anyone catch NPR’s white safari interview today? Steve Inskeep went to NC to interview a goddamn 80-year-old banking CEO about why he’s voting for Bloomberg and why socialism will destroy America. JFC


Lol, yesterday they did a safari piece to a Colorado town with a factory now owned by Russians, and interviewed all white people.
