Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

And tonight, he’ll tweet this


This is incredible



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This is from TODAY



CNN has a ticker of cases and deaths like it’s a sport score. Why is this news?

Because cnn gets off on shit like this. And mostly because people will watch it endlessly to see the numbers tick up.


In 1983’s Consequences of Party Reform, Nelson W. Polsby held that shifting to primaries to select candidates shifted power from party elites to media elites instead of to the people.

This mirrors one of my claims about electing the president via popular vote. I think that the presidential popular vote gives more power to whoever controls the media in major markets.


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I mean we all know about Laffer’s supply side idiocy but he’s just generally a complete dumbass, here he is in 2016 with the stupidest take possible on Trump’s trade policy (Laffer is a free-trader, as you’d expect):

Prominent supply-side economist Arthur Laffer on Tuesday defended Donald Trump’s trade policy, even as he blasted politicians who believe trade has to do with jobs.

“Having spent time with him and virtually all of the other candidates, I would say that he has as firm a grasp of international trade as any candidate,” Laffer said a breakfast at The Podesta Group. “He clearly understands foreign investments, foreign locations, foreign businesses.”

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has the “best chance of doing good trade policy,” added Laffer, who was an economic policy adviser to former president Ronald Reagan.

Trump, however, has said that U.S. trade policies have allowed other countries to take jobs away from Americans. He promised to rip up all current free-trade agreements and negotiate better ones. He has also floated imposing high tariffs on imports from Mexico and China.

But Laffer said if people look at all of Trump’s comments on trade and not just one or two, they will find that Trump also talks about freer trade.

Laffer also said that Trump could negotiate better trade deals.

Imagine discussing trade policy with Trump and then walking away claiming he has a good understanding of it. It’s so bizarre how being wrong about everything constantly and being a total mark has zero consequences in USA#1 and you still get to write op-eds for major newspapers.

I’m sure in reality he’s just grinning like an idiot and waving his Presidential Medal of Freedom around, but I pray that on some level there’s an unease that the reason he has that is clearly because he is a total fucking imbecile’s idea of what a smart person looks like.


Laffer must be the GOAT of grifting-while-wreaking-havoc-on-the-world.
Reagan thru Trump and he’s still there despite being constantly FOS. He’s found a political niche that likes what he says and he keeps plugging away at it.

Jesus Christ. Trump IS the pettiness of our times.


Interesting thread on Fox News Finances




Every channel “negotiates hard” on fees. Fox News can get $2/mo because their insane customer base actually will cancel cable (lol olds) completely if it’s not a part of their bundle.


Note the retweet. Fuck off, Mags.

If I thought this was remotely a joking matter, I would wonder if this might cause McDonalds to run out of food.

In this new world of staring at the same four walls and crushing sameness, it’s nice to know that NYT headlines still have the power to take your breath away.


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Great piece icymi

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