Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The bots on twitter all over “WHERE IS BIDEN?” when Biden has released a statement, directed FEMA, etc. But Biden didn’t somehow prevent the natural disaster, so vote Trump!

Biden hasn’t tossed a roll of paper towel.



That encapsulates Nate pretty well.

Is he…talking about us?


What types of schools are B-level students going if Clemson is out of reach?

I’ll tell you in a couple years. My son is a sophomore and is not on track for any AP classes (a bunch of honors-level classes, though). Mostly A’s last year, mostly B’s so far this year. Because of mental health struggles, he didn’t do any extracurriculars or anything until this semester, which is probably why his grades are a little lower than he’d like. Just a lot of time commitment. Basically got off to a slow start in any sort of college application-building stuff, as last year was a time to focus on health and just getting through freshman year (and he did great academically!).

So, unless he really goes HAM soon, I’m concerned he’s not going to have a resume for even “decent” schools, even though he’s incredibly smart and driven. Then again, he’s the kind of kid who will probably forge his own path - he’s not an “academic” per se, as he likes to learn what he wants, how he wants. He’s really into music, so he’s hoping to stand out there and chart a course for the future.


My grades were too shitty to get into any top-notch schools, and look how I turned out! Tell your kid a glorious future of online stardom as the 34th-smartest poster across several niche internet message forums awaits.


Oh, he already brags to me about how some instagram or snapchat post he made got 10,000 likes. I do worry that he’s going to post something accidentally bad, but I think it’s just videos of him drumming.

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And look at me, I graduated near the top of my class at excellent schools and I’m sitting here, just the 12th-best poster on this forum (I’m easily top 10 on a different one), making next to no money. Funny how life works out.

But I can write video game-related satire news articles!

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App St., Furman type places

For a student in CA whose parents won’t pay $80K for a name brand private school like Chapman etc:

Washington State University
The Cal State System
UC Merced
UC Riverside (maybe, getting tougher there too)

Yeah, here in Georgia, there are plenty of state schools that kids can attend even if they aren’t high school all stars. They aren’t amazing or anything, but they are still legit and kids can always transfer later. Shit like Kennesaw State, Georgia State, etc. Plus, if you have a B average, you’ll still go for free or cheap (tuition, that is).

Ah, schools named for compass points or small cities. (Excluding where the state name includes a compass point).

Fine educations without the prestige.

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I wished I had gone to Coastal Carolina instead of staying in the Northeast. Sweet Jesus.

Where is the official poaster ranking list? ;)

Does it still count if your college changed its name from NE Missouri State to Truman State long after you graduated?

My kids’ high school has had some college fairs and Elon University has been at all of them. I’m sure it’s a fine institution, but I just can’t take it seriously anymore.



all of mine followed the small to medium city convention. One started at state U but did not finish until he went to U-state-city.

In the meantime a 17-year-old does this and I just look at my daughter and shake my head:
