Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

College application building activities :face_vomiting:

It’s funny reading you guys talk about college like going a normal place outside the top 25 Newsweek rankings or whatever garbage rag ranks these things is some kind of death sentence. There are hundreds (or thousands) of colleges around the country that can offer a great college experience.


My sister went to Elon for undergrad. It’s a great school. Also, you should take them seriously, why should they be the ones to change, he’s the one who sucks!

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No doubt. As much as I want my kids to go to the “best” schools, I’ve told them repeatedly that wherever they go, they’ll get a good education and have a wonderful four years. I went to what is considered a top 25 school and loved it. My wife went to a regional liberal arts college that isn’t high in whatever rankings people look at and she loved it. We both made lifelong friends and lasting memories. And now she makes more money than I do. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I should also add that my daughter is well aware that going somewhere out of state just to go out of state isn’t necessarily worth it. She’s interested in spreading her wings, but not necessarily if it’s going to cost $60k, $70k, $80k a year.

Enjoy EZ street. As long as she lets you be a man where it counts. Grilling the brats

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We’re bleeding cash, so it’s definitely not easy street. I just don’t make much money. I’ve gotten to stay home and raise the kids, though. And be in movies.

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In a way similar boat this year. I’ve had so much work shifted into the 4th quarter, some I won’t receive until 2025. Thankfully 40% time is full time for me these days so I can catch up with some actual full weeks.

Honestly, I feel that most universities are basically the same in how they are seen with exception to Ivy League schools. Just go to the one that gives off the best vibes.

I wish I took that advice. I would have gone to one that was a lot less well-known but one that I was more comfortable with and wouldn’t have had such shitty grades as an undergrad.

Trying to read an NYT article

NYT: Before you read the article how about coming back for 48 dollars for the first year?

Me: No, continue to the article

NYT: Ok how about 4 dollars a month for the first 6 months and then 25 dollars a month after that?


NYT Pitchbot nails another one. Oh wait…

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Historically, Furman was way tougher to get into the Clemson now they’re about equal. Average SAT for incoming Furman students is 1330, average SAT for Clemson is 1310. Similar average unweighted GPA as well.

The correct way to read a NYT article is to go over to archive.ph and read the article.

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How’s this take aging