Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Writing a screenplay about Harvard relocating to South Carolina so that they can fill out their enrollment.

If that’s a Brett Stevens article, it’s misleading to post it without his byline. Stevens is a hack and everyone knows he’s a hack. He’s like the conservative tools CNN hires or the guys who get beat up in WWE wrestling (what’s the name for that?).

It’s a WSJ news article (not an opinion piece) by Douglas Belkin and Andrea Fuller

Didn’t read article but I think part of what is happening is upper middle class parents are not paying $80k a year for non Ivy private schools in the NE when Junior can go to a perfectly decent southern school for less than half that. Also the weather is objectively better and yes, people are probably on balance more attractive.

I was talking to some of my friends who still live in the south and have kids that are getting closer to college age. They were telling me about how even the non-flagship state schools are a lot harder to get into now. I think part of it is just the cohorts of college age studies are larger than they used to be. But probably another part is more people from outside of the region competing for those schools. According to them, the University of Tennessee, which was pretty much a default option when I was in high school, now has somewhat competitive admissions.

I live in the south and can confirm. Clemson used to be a complete safety school, not any more. Places like UGA and UNC are now as hard to get into as UVA was 20 years ago.

LOL wat?

You’re telling me that if you’re like a B-student from S. Carolina and you want to go to Clemson, it’s a sweat?

No, you have no chance.

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Damn. Times have changed.

My daughter is in the application process. A bunch of AP classes, all A’s and B’s, good test scores (not great, though), lots of volunteer work, a couple awards, varsity athlete.

She’s a coin flip at best to get into UGA.

Lots of kids now are going to lesser state schools and transferring after a year.

She’s actually gotten interested in going north. Guess my roots are finally being established. Just did a tour of three Big Ten schools and is going to look at a couple more at some point.

Anecdotally I know a few people in LA who grew up in the south and their kids are going to their alma maters. Good friends’ son is going to Tennessee. One factor is that you now need a 4.0+ to reliably get into most of the UCs and even some Cal State schools are extremely competitive.




They’re called “jobbers”.


I swear jd was a never trumper.

fake news
