Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Lmao mueller she wrote not tired of that FAT grift

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Trump is going to pay for everything with the free money of tariffs.

I liked the guy that got his big opportunity to ask Kamala a question and he went with “bUT HOW aRE YOu GOiNG To PAy foR IT?”

Mostly we post about poor political takes, but this one really stood out to me.

It starts off pretty good… then quickly goes off the rails.

Is this list a joke? Venice? At least it’s physically possible to walk across a stroad.

Also, I was in Tampa fairly recently and it was like 95% stroads?

Who the fuck is walking around Dubai or Abu Dhabi?

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lol Miami

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Found the full list with link below. The thought process here for walkability is interesting. So basically, flattest city wins and thus cities at sea level are very walkable!

To figure out which tourist hotspots are the easiest to explore, we collated a list of over 240 cities around the world and using topographic maps, ranked them according to their average elevation, and the elevation range between their highest and lowest points, to reveal which ones are a breeze to experience like a local.

It might actually be pretty decent for determining least walkable…

new orleans is not walkable wtf. downtown is but once you leave the quarter/cbd it’s just like every other city in the US and the public transit sucks unless you’re going in exactly one direction (the street car running up st charles is usable)

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Yeah I think both of these lists are stupid. Bogota has some wonderful walkable neighborhoods. Where is LA on the non-walkable list? I guess they’re just rating hilly vs flat? lol Kathmandu. Boo this man.


Seems like they’re dinging cities for being mountainous. Least walkable flat cities would be more interesting.

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Miami and Tampa cement this as not being a serious list.


Clearly what the list is going for is literally most walkable, as in if you had a race-walking competition, where would you get the fastest times?


I don’t think it’s “dinging”. It seems to be literally the only criteria.


Least walkable cities on Earth:

  1. Peak of Mount Everest
  2. The bottom of the Mariana Trench
  3. Snake Island, Brazil

And even that is probably only true if you don’t factor in any other climate/environmental factors. If everyone is passing out from heat stroke, does elevation really matter?

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Family was in Venice last month. You know what’s not walkable with a rolling suitcase? A city where you’ve got to go up and down stairs every 25 yards to cross over a canal. (Venice was pretty cool otherwise.)

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Had one of my most pleasant walks in Europe around Venice. It’s very cavernesque.

Cinque Terre towns would blow the mind of the list makers.



Cuzco was pretty walkable.


Have walked some in Amsterdam. Walked quite a bit in Venice.

Both very walkable and something interesting around every corner. Of course I saw a small fraction of Amsterdam. But probable criss-crossed a good chunk of Venice. Best advice I got was to just go get lost. Eventually you find the sea and get your bearings.