Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Before I do it I’m calling if you google Dawn MAGAface you’ll discover she’s bumfuck county GOP chair


ugh pretty sick of watching CNN right now because of that paid republican hack scott whatever who just dodges every single question and bullshits his way through every segment and is actually a CNN employee so nobody can say shut the fuck up liar to his face on national tv. like these shows are clearly a game to everyone involved.

Another article on the Fox thing.


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Anything missing from this analysis you think?

But who are the losers and winners from a dramatic few days for Republicans and Democrats?

5/5: Donald Trump

A swaggering and aggressive US president called his speech at the White House on Thursday a “celebration” – and well he might

4/5: Pete Buttigieg

If anyone managed to wring any momentum out of the mess in Iowa, it was the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who more or less declared victory before the results were in and went on to grab as much of the spotlight as possible.

3/5: Mike Bloomberg

The billionaire former mayor of New York’s decision to sit out the early states and instead blanket California with advertising seems partially vindicated.

2/5: Joe Biden

Barack Obama’s former vice-president went into the week as the frontrunner in the Democratic race and still leads most national polls and match-ups with Trump. But coming fourth in Iowa – a result he called a “gut punch” – has seriously dented his pitch that he is the most electable candidate.

1/5: Nancy Pelosi

The Democrats Democratic leader in the House of Representatives took a lot of persuading to agree to impeach Trump, only doing so when the strength of the evidence in the Ukraine case became overwhelming.

0/5: the state of Iowa

Iowa was already facing criticism that as a small, 90% white, largely rural state it had a disproportionate impact on the Democratic race even before Monday’s debacle, in which apps failed and telephone lines were overwhelmed

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Klob, obv.

Sup Hillary

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Trump promised that another country would pay for a multi billion dollar wall and beat you. Promising the moon and only managing to reach the outer atmosphere >>>>>>> promising nothing, doing nothing and standing for nothing.

We need to hire someone to follow hillary around and yell YOU FUCKING LOST! anytime she tries to offer political advice or criticism.


This irritates me at first but then I realize an anti-endorsement from Hillary probably helps Bernie.


They wonder why people are losing trust in the media while at the same time hiring people whose only job is to lie on TV.

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Lol, fuck you, Hillary. How’d that measured rhetoric do for you against Trump? Oh yeah, you lost. If you had any decency you would fucking keep your head down.

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Chris Matthews should just walk into the ocean.



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This fucking guy man wtf

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Dude is unhinged. He’s been off the reservation for a while now shilling for eDems and equivocating socialism and communist dictatorships. He’s on pace to be Lou Dobbs by next year.


Jesus Tapdancing Christ I don’t even know what’s going on here. Someone please put me in a retirement home or put me down for good before I do this on national television.


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Chris Matthews has been losing it in regards to Bernie the last few weeks


In that clip Chris Matthews sounds like Biden, only even more crazy and senile.


Amazing ToddFace on that still.