Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It really has to be written out longhand sometimes

1,000,000 = 1 million
1,000,000,000 = 1 billion

$130,000,000,000 = Jeff Bezos - one hundred and thirty thousand million
$750,000,000,000 = Top 10 wealthiest combined

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I can’t get past that Chris Matthews clip. I haven’t watched his shows in like 15 years, is he like that all the time? He needs to be institutionalized for his own sake, jfc.

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My theory is that all these super unhinged olds are on serious pills.

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So there’s something interesting that I think happens when people keep escalating when something isn’t working… eventually they hit diminishing returns on that thing and each additional unit of that thing starts hurting their case pretty badly.

For example when my dad was dying of brain cancer his narcissism, which had always been very significant but somewhat masked, just absolutely exploded. He was telling me to break up with my now wife drop out of college and go live with my (completely insane probably borderline personality disorder) mother so that I could ‘understand how she was broken so that you can fix yourself’. Please note that I was basically the person who fixed shit when it was broken in my family and generally deescalated everyone’s conflict.

That was really fucking eye opening. Suddenly it became painfully obvious that he was out of his mind, and what’s more had been out of his mind for a very long time. The paradigm shift I went through was bigger than the one I went through when Trump was elected. Suddenly I realized that looking to my dad for anything resembling sanity was a bad idea, and I went from thinking I might be crazy to realizing that I was the sane one.

When Chris Matthews tells everyone that Bernie Sanders might go full Fidel Castro if elected he’s going too far. Even relatively stupid people get jarred into looking way harder at the situation when you say something like that. I realize that Trump has revealed that some people will nod along no matter what crazy bullshit comes out of your mouth, but I like to think that everyone has a threshold for insanity, and the further you go the more people’s thresholds get breached.

Sort of like how a bunch of people who used to be Republican bounced because of Trump. Not a LOT of them, but that’s probably because most of the people with low thresholds for insanity had already quit before Trump.


We desperately need an actual left wing media TV network. The right bitches incessantly about MSNBC but it’s a joke. The flagship morning show is named for and hosted by a former GOP congressman from FL who use to host a nighttime show opposite O’Reilly which was indistinguishable from O’Reilly’s show. Every guest is a NeverTrump GOPer or eDem. Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd have shows. The only actual lefties on the network are Maddow, Hayes and O’Donnell. Joy is as eDem as they come but she’s the only one who consistently features minorities and she’s on weekends. It sucks.

Soledad should be the face of the network but of course they let her go for being too far left or some shit.


There’s never going to be a true left wing news channel that is also owned by a huge media conglomerate. The closest we ever got was the daily show and they weren’t THAT liberal.

There is one now and somehow it’s part of my basic Sling package. I forget the name and it’s way at the bottom of the guide but that’s moreso due to its recency than anything else I think.

Stephanie Ruhle and Ali Veshi are good but our eyes and ears are safely ensconced at work when their stuff airs. Ari is good

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Seriously go look up old episodes of Scarborough Country. He was nothing but a less loud version of Bildo.

I loved Olbermann but he turned out to be a total sellout

I’m thinking about writing something out that explores just how much money a billion dollars really is. Try to point out that people like gates and bezos have fortunes that will literally outlast our civilization, unless we do something radical about climate change. Try to point out how out of their minds these guys are since they don’t do everything in their power to mitigate the disasters to come.

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I’m at boiling point wrt the MSM, smash it all up its rotten to the core…

I’m honestly still raging at the Impeachment trial even when knowing the outcome… It will take me sometime to calm down, can’t just 1 of these folks make a fucking stance.

Trying to turn off C-Math but Betsy Woodruff is too hot.

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I’ve always had a thing for her too

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That’s SUPER dishonest lol. If you’re going compare coalitions you absolutely have to add Steyer, Warren, and Yang numbers to Bernie.

If the moderates want to beat Bernie at a minimum they’re going to need to get at least one of their candidates to drop out.

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Also a huge blow to Warren as well since she has consistently outperformed Biden and is getting left off all of these ‘comparisons’ because to include her would make Bernie look stronger.

I know a lot of people on this board think that Warren’s current supporters would significantly break for moderates if she dropped out… but I’m curious who (besides Biden, but he’s losing voters to Pete AND Klob) they think Klobmentum voters have been? I think it’s semi obvious a sizable chunk of them are more moderate former Warren supporters.

So I’m really interested to see where the remaining Warren supporters would go if she dropped out. My guess is that 70%+ of them go for Bernie today.

Didn’t she marry Jonathan Swan?