Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Apparently they have nothing better than this same pathetic whining that has been going on since 2016. We’re going to have to wait until the general for the full on red baiting.

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Cross-posting from the RIP Kobe thread because I think it is relevant in a world where Donald Trump is president and Jamal Khashoggi is dead.

I’m not sure who has been following the Felicia Sonmez story. She tweeted out a link to a story about Kobe’s rape history and got death threats, so the Washington Post did the reasonable thing and suspended her without pay (aka “administrative leave”) for violating a nebulous social media policy.

It’s understandable why, given her history, Sonmez would want to speak out, even if speaking out just meant a link to a Daily Beast story without commentary.

Sonmez herself came forward in 2018 with allegations about sexual misconduct by Jonathan Kaiman, then a Los Angeles Times journalist. He later resigned, although he says the pair had consensual sex and their perceptions of what happened differ.

Over 300 of her colleagues signed onto a letter supporting her.


Today she was reinstated, but she still has harsh words for the management that suspended her, questioning editor Marty Baron’s’ commitment to the newspaper’s stated goal of telling all of the truth.

How are people still so bad at fucking headlines? There is zero evidence whatsoever that Trump’s actions were in the public interest! STOP TAKING REPUBLICAN TALKING POINTS AND USING THEM AS HEADLINES!


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Imagine how much easier your life would be if you lacked any semblance of shame

Soooooooo much easier.

shame, empathy, basic human decency, etc.

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Why Having Hunter Biden Testify Would Be Bad for Trump

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I clicked on that expecting to see the Federalist webpage, maybe NRO. Such a sweet summer child I am.


It only works if you have shitloads of money

Please just disappear already.


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Love this reply:



Dat ratio

John says it best:



Megyn Kelly: Still terrible, after all these years



The NY Times is addicted to these stupid field trip pieces
The Trump Fans Who Think Impeachment Was ‘Exactly’ What His Base Needed

Uniforms included “Make America Great Again” hats in every color; T-shirts reading “Keep Trump, Impeach Congress”; “Trump 2020” rhinestone brooches; and buttons featuring a swooping yellow tuft of fuzz in homage to the president’s mane.

Voters who’d forgotten their flair could stop by the front of the theater, where a row of card tables offered “Trump hairy pins” and Trump toboggans for purchase. New gear in tow, they might then grab a bag of popcorn at the next table, or register to vote at the next, or perhaps take a selfie with the life-size cardboard cutout of the president standing nearby.

Why had approximately 350 people decided to devote five hours of a Tuesday to this?

“We’re tired of watching President Trump be beat up,” Dawn Thorburn, 51, a retiree, explained. “This impeachment thing going on is a big farce, and we just want to show support for him, because it’s a joke what they’re trying to do.”
