Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I don’t know, seems sourced from a very unbiased sample by a highly credible research institute.

One in four Gen Zers have brought a parent to a job interview over the past year, and roughly one-quarter have had their parents submit job applications on their behalf, according to a new [survey] of nearly 1,500 Gen Zers by ResumeTemplates.co m.

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My kid worked at McDonald’s last summer at 14. Couldn’t make food, though.

I went with him to fill out paperwork and submit documentation. I think he had a short interview while I was sitting there, but if he did, I wasn’t intentionally “attending.”

After this school year ended, he walked around with a friend to look for jobs and got an interview at Jersey Mike’s on the spot. Got the job and has enjoyed it so far. He’s not allowed to slice meats, but he does cook cheese steaks.

It was pretty cool as a 17-year-old for me to confidently walk into a shopping mall Hallmark store and truthfully state, “I’m looking for a job and I have greeting card store experience.”

After the middle-aged owner picked up his bottom jaw he pretty much hired me on the spot.


ESPN reporter treats tow truck employee like trash.

I dunno man, tow truck people fckin suck in my limited experience.


I think that’s like 10 years old iirc

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Yeah it was 2015.

This one is probably all the Ivy League grads getting interviewed by their own parents.


WSJ in election mode! Lololol “our straight news group doesn’t do politics”



The Hunter stuff backfired last time, are they dumb enough to try it again?

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I’ll stop you there


Actual GJGE for once.

These stories are so annoying because they ignore all the remaining employees that are doing better financially and that the economy is frickin booming so all those jobs lost just go somewhere else. Nobody is willing to say “Oh you had to cut jobs because we made it illegal to pay people less? Good!”

Also you have more customers who can afford your fast food now because workers at the bottom of the wage scale are making more.

The proper response is that infuriating chart mapping productivity increases and wages since Reagan

IANAE but I heard it was the opposite… Low paying jobs ensures their own customers. Ex: Bottom rung Walmart workers can only afford to shop at Walmart. Entry level McDonald’s employees choose fast food when eating out over more expensive restaurants, etc.

Do I have this wrong?

Based on how big Wal Marts consumer pool likely is, it seems like their workers would only make up a small fraction of the pool such that it wouldn’t make much sense to make many pricing decisions based on what they can cannot afford.

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So it’s just a happy accident

You’re overthinking it. People who don’t earn much money shop at places where items are cheaper. Consequently, someone working full-time at McD’s is probably going to eat cheaper, crappier food and shop more often at Walmart versus someone earning 100K/yr.

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This is literally what I say to my restaurant owner buddy. Hey uh wouldn’t you actually be richer if you didn’t hoard all the wealth and people could afford vacations to San Diego and nights out? You’re not selling expensive shit here.

Also I swear eating in a restaurant is better value now compared to fast food. Chik fil a is $14.50 for a sandwich and fries, and I’m at a decent lunch spot right now and the same thing is $18 + tip