Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Incredible. When Trump dies, all of these bootlickers will swear up and down they never supported Trumpism.

They’re just going to kiss the cock ring of the next guy

Yup. George W Bush had the highest approval rating of any president IIRC, he was a rock star, had the whole nation hyped for his dumbfuck wars. Now he’s a pariah, completely down the memory hole. Very few will admit they had a massive hard-on for the Iraq invasion.

In the future we’ll get some new smooth-talking scam artist who will seize control of the GOP, everyone will swear they were at best only lukewarm Trump voters.

God damn man. I was losing my fucking mind for the whole W presidency thinking it could never get worse. Lol me.


I grew up in a farming family. I learned how to drive as soon as my foot could push in a clutch. I learned on a tractor, which is way easier than a car because in a low gear it’s virtually impossible to stall out. The first car I learned how to drive was an old manual ford ranger farm truck with an incredibly difficult clutch. But now I can drive anything, not that it matters.

Yeah, it’s the ultimate Homer-correcting-Bart meme illustration.


yeah i assume this is a result of paying to fight off SLAPP suits from Elon, from when they showed the advertisers that they could appear next to racists on the timelines.

elon said they somehow hacked and manipulated the algorithm. lol.

we need antiSLAPP legislation. but the chance we can get that through is obviously pretty slim.

Some real investigative journalism right here

If that were true, maybe I’d vote for him. But probably I would still go the harm reduction route since the system under Trump puts fewer kids in cages. If Biden blew up USA, we might end up with something worse.

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Oh boo-fucking-hoo. I guarantee a lot of account holders here had balances above FDIC limits, so Chase saved their assets from getting Thanos snapped.

When I think hypermasculine, I think Trump


Does he do his own makeup? That’s a fair question isn’t it?

For a lot of people, being “hypermasculine” just means being a massive asshole that everyone hates. Modern toxic masculinity is often just a reframing by assholes to position their interpersonal social failures as Actually Good.


Can it be any more of racist plea than I’m a felon like you

Yes I understand the falsely convicted angle

yikes, axios. yikes.

Didn’t read the article, but based on my time in the OOT steak thread, I doubt it has any interesting secrets to offer.

Do people generally not baste their steaks?