Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Good news for John McCain vibes

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One on the left is bullshit anyways, that’s not a fundamental right lol




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I feel like the right wing media is in a post-bubble phase, and there’s a lot of quality schadenfreude to be had. Tucker apparently thought he wasn’t Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly, when that’s exactly what he was.

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Any journalist writing that sentence should never be allowed to work in the profession ever again.


It’s impossible to know what Lucy will do with the football this time




I kind of always wanted to get a manual car but never did. Since 90% of my driving is stop and go city streets i think it would just be annoying.

You’re doing something wrong if your hand is on the clutch. I took my driver’s test in a manual transmission car. I guess the proctor didn’t know what that was because they told me not to put my left foot on the brake.


I’m a left foot braker and no one will ever be able to get me to switch. I think i started doing it right after getting my license, possibly before.

Imagine being the person who unironically has to add the “breaking news” to this.


Ye old Plymouth Horizon would stall without a touch of gas so two feet it was.

It’s truly beyond parody. After he insults the living shit out of them and they admit on camera what an immature lying narcissistic dangerous insurrectionist criminal he is who shouldn’t be anywhere near the white house… So who ya voting for? Oh, him of course!

She has no choice; Joe Biden is the true existential threat to America.

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My dad forced me to learn and take my test in our 1979 Chevy Malibu station wagon that was one of only ~300 made with a 4-on-the-floor. The clutch was as long as my arm and I had to sit on pillows to see out. I hated him at the time.

But fuck it all…I can drive ANYTHING now, and I can parallel park it, too.


*not ours, just a photo from google


Not good at stick, but Dad did amateur rally racing in the 60s and taught me to drive one on his budget Porsche 924. Has come in handy a few times.

I’ve driven some kind of manual x30 years, although my current 10-yr old car will likely be the last one, due to both the near extinction of new manuals and my likely needing L-foot bunion surgery in the next five years.

It’s pretty cool that my younger daughter can drive a stick. Not many 30 year old women can say that.