Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

There is so much bullshlit in that rant from Carlson that some of it is being overlooked, like “keep a hold on power.”

Because we all know the Dems currently have a hold on power. But in Fox News world, apparently that’s the “reality.”

When I saw it last night I was too irate over the racism and white nationalism denial to even talk about it. I was sooooo fucking pissed and dismayed. I mean, we’re racing into a civil war and these guys are giddily complicit.

huge LOL at a whole football stadium full of white supremacists (which sounds terrifying holy shit thats a lot of people right?) otherwise known as your average trump rally

It takes two sides with weapons bigger than a milkshake to have a civil war. The dystopian future we would be headed for is one where versions of the Alien and Sedition Acts are used to jail people, including political opposition and journalists, police are riding around the streets in military vehicles and the government spying on citizens is ubiquitous. And we barely notice that happening, in fact, we’re the frogs in the water and it’s already pretty hot.


And what makes it all the more inevitable is that if the Dems get control of all branches of government they won’t really do anything to cool the water off and if the GOP gets power again 4 or 8 years later they start off with the water at 98 deg C.


I agree with everything you just said, microbet. It’s one reason I really like Pete, I believe he’d actually try to do something to cool the water off.


Try to imagine Tucker saying the same thing about ISIS members in the US. “I mean, geez, you could fit them all in a college football stadium, no big deal guys.”

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I hope if Pete wins he does this, but he doesn’t have much record and some of what he says is concerning.

We do have two candidates who voted against the National Defense Authorization Act and The Cyber Security Information Sharing Act. (There are a lot more things that can be listed, but out of fairness to Liz I’m not going back before 2012)

He has definitely said some concerning things, but he also wants to push for democracy reform which is a huge deal. For what it’s worth, Liz remains my #1 choice right now, Pete is #2 and Bernie is #3.



I feel like you did in 2016 with all the Hillary supporters (I was one of them) doing a bunch of mental gymnastics not to vote for Bernie.

“We’ll be back with more racism in two weeks, see you then!”


Jesus, this is such garbage.

Middle of August is a HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS time to be taking vacation imo

And it’s totally standard in the media to start a vacation on a Thursday…

But who are we kidding, he’s not losing his show over this.

I mean it’s not like the rest of the primetime lineup hasn’t done this at some point.

  1. Do the racism
  2. #FireSoAndSo trends
  3. Sudden vacation
  4. Come back from vacation once furor has died down
  5. Do the racism

Yeah this happens once every 6 months or so. I think tucker has done it more than once.

This is just kayfabe.

Hard to see how this “hoax” stuff is going to turn away any of his viewers or advertisers.

I mean Carlson has said way worse stuff and not taken a vacation. Is this even in the top ten most offensive things he’s said on Fox News? Given that he’s said way worse stuff and it’s a very normal time to take a vacation I doubt there is anything significant here.