Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I’ll bet Trump over 70 million at even money. If you’re interested, let me know how much.

medvedev 499

is was a casino hostess in egypt by thar name, nunes…

edit: fron spain

she was seriusly hot
and smart

I’m always amazed when people think I’m setting betting lines with what I’m saying and then use the wrong metric for what I’m saying.

Here’s a better description of my point.

If Joe Biden gets 80 million votes, how many votes will Trump get? If Joe Biden gets 75 million votes, how many votes will Trump get? That’s it, this is not intended to set a line of Trump getting 70 million votes lol. I’m not ever depending on an electorate to make a bet. The electorate is weird and has been proving that over and over in my entire lifetime.

Maybe Cactus will take you up on some bet related to this but I never ever ever bet on an electorate because it’s a lot like voting on what a jury will do.

I didn’t think you were setting a betting line. That what I was doing. Also, based on your read of the situation, I wanted to see if you were interested in wagering on that line. Apparently you are not.

If I understand you correctly, you’re saying you don’t think Trump is getting 70 million votes, but you also have very little confidence in that prediction because “The electorate is weird and has been proving that over and over in my entire lifetime.”

That’s fine, but most of your posts don’t really convey that lack of confidence.


I’m not confident enough to bet on it for the reasons stated, but I’m confident Trump is not going to do better in the popular vote than he did in 2020 unless Biden also does way better in the popular vote than he did in 2020. Both candidates’ vote totals should go down by a minimum of 5 million votes in a relatively activated election if the public doesn’t see the imminent ‘threat’ of Trump clearly. That will be made very clear by election day through a billion dollars spent on TV ads during the most popular programming.

If the threat is seen clearly by the potential electorate, Biden’s votes should go way up and Trump’s should go down significantly. That’s why my ‘prediction’ is that Biden will get 80 million votes, if Trump surpasses 70 million. I have no idea whether voters will be more or less activated than they were in 2020, when the most people in history voted for the least inspiring presidential candidate in my lifetime. The second most people in history voted for the most monstrous presidential candidate in my lifetime. Many voters on either side stood in incredibly long lines right before the absolute peak of Covid prior to vaccinations being available all over the country because they didn’t trust a mail-in vote would be counted due to what Trump and cronies were saying.

If the electorate is at least as activated as it was in 2020 (it may be more activated due to the Roe v. Wade overturn), Biden’s popular vote margin will widen, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be an EC sweat on election night. That’s mainly because of Arizona and Georgia. If either of those stay Biden, it won’t be much of a sweat anymore unless something goes really wrong in a state where it shouldn’t.

This isn’t true unless you were born after November 8, 2016.

Joe Biden is extremely uninspiring, much much less inspiring than Hillary no matter how many people hate her.

Hillary was at least inspiring to some females who wanted to see the first woman president.

Making bold claims of fact and refusing to bet on them is just another name for trolling.


No it’s not. Maybe I’m not a degen who needs to bet on everything I say. Sorry for disappointing you but it’s a pretty massive insult to say someone is trolling who is not trolling.

This is a bold claim

Good media:



it’s amusing because the left media doesn’t understand that they are not only covering for liars but ALSO aren’t getting the most clickbait that they could get.

“Republicans don’t understand calendars, blame Biden for holiday that has been on same day for more than a decade.” would be more accurate AND generate more money. they are intentionally taking the L now because they think trump in power will be more money over time… or they are just obsessed with “norms”


Trump vomits out a word salad and the press rushes to normalize it for him. It’s a Pavlovian response at this point.


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How much is he charging per month for this?