Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This is election is 0 about who and how many vote for Trump. He’s getting 70+ million again. Joe needs to get 80+ again. (He’s gotta win by 5M+So he needs both Pro-Joe and Anti-Dons to fully show up.

That’s the whole election. Those ‘20 voters not voting Don are such a small number relatively.

We can depend on Don to drive the anti-Don vote, hopefully augmented by Dodds. The worry is the pro Palestinians but I don’t think that’s a big enough number.

The only way Trump gets over 70 million votes is if Biden gets over 80 million and that’s the way I see it.

He got like 74-5M last time.

That was a fluke

A reminder is that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million in 2016 and by 7 million in 2020 and somehow he is still relevant. Even if he wins the Electoral College, he will still likely lose by a ton of votes and the EC is really his only chance. It’s live because of changes in Electoral Votes from 2020 to 2024.

Good thing the electoral college is purely ceremonial and we elect our president through a Democratic popular vote!


A fluke is when you trip and fall on small sculpture with a horn on it and it somehow winds up in a place it shouldn’t be and you have to go to the ER to get it out, not when 75 million people vote for you.


Trump lost by like 50,000 votes combined in 3 states last time. A fluke? WTF are we talking about?

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I’m old enough to remember 2016, when Hillary had the electoral college advantage because of her blue wall.

Blue wall in dire need of infrastructure week.

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One of these things is not like the other


Ok fine I’ll lower Biden’s total to having at least 75 million votes if Trump gets 70 million.

Biden getting 75 million and Trump getting 70 million very likely means that Trump wins.


I don’t think Trump is going to get 70 million so I was basically joking about the 75 million.

He got over 74 million last time.

70+ million isn’t a lock, but I’m having a tough time seeing how he doesn’t get there.

Trump’s favorability ratings have gone up since he left office, and Biden’s have gone down.

so is all the politiiccsing done
trump biden
biden trunp

asking for a friend

heard devin nunes was

Spiff hitting a spliff?