Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I look forward to anything magnificently stupid like that coming out.


:donald glover:

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20 bucks to anyone who can name any “news” that was broken by republican sources in the last 20 years

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Her emails?

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1 election theft
2 border crisis
3 Biden burisma etc
4 Ben-Yahtzee
5 Fast and Furious gun thing

Easy. They broke all these stories.

You didn’t say that had to be true.

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Oh see, I put “news” in quotes. My mistake

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yeah wow NBC fucked around and now they’re finding out


Incredible how these outlets just openly admit that they do access journalism. “If we don’t hire an insurrectionist, we’ll damage our special relationship with the GOP! How could we ever do news without that?”

Guessing random events….

Whitewater (older than twenty years )

Don’t forget about Vince Foster.

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Good lord. What the fuck.


Valid point about Jen Psaki

They think she can be the next Michael Steele but she ain’t and he’s still a Republican

only about a decade too late.



Spoiler alert: she does not actually say she will not vote for Trump.

“I don’t know what I shall do. It’s a long ways between now and November.”

spoiler #2: she votes for him

All of his legal troubles have finally taught him his lesson.

That quote seems to clearly come in a discussion of what she will do as an alternative, after the first line of the article states:

Sen. Susan Collins said Thursday that she will not vote for former President Donald Trump in his third bid for the presidency.

Whether she said this directly and simply wasn’t directly quoted, is unclear. You would think that would be something you directly quote if said, though.

It’s the same crap with all of these Never Trumpers, they still can’t manage to vote for Biden because apparently he’s not better than an existential threat to democracy? Would like to see a reporter really drill down on why her colleague Biden is completely out of the question.

Maybe she’ll put in a protest vote for Nikki Haley, great job, you did your part.