Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

My friend lives in a small town in Germany where people are actually nice, and not Trumpers. If only such a thing existed in America.

There’s an SNL clip that I can’t find now where the woman goes back to her home town, which is lovely, and starts wondering why she left. Then she sees and All Lives Matter sign, and a bunch of Trump signs and is like “Oh yeah! No, I’m good.”

Or they are all just subtly racist is German and that doesn’t translate…

There’s a top and bottom joke available here too.

Or maybe that’s just for the porn parody.

When Chuck Todd owns you…


“Risk-free investment.” Is this obnoxious gambling push intertwined in every sports broadcast going to wane anytime soon?



Checking in on X.com:



Europe is reigning it in because it went to far over there so probably eventually but not any time soon, the temptation is too great

Jesus christ, the responses. Its making me ill. Reading that shit can’t be good for the mind

Yeah, but what they actually want is governments to shovel money and services at the white people in their communities. They are 100% comfortable with holding in their minds the obviously contradictory thoughts that they are self made go getters who never asked for anything that they didn’t earn, that non-white people are lazy welfare queens that steal all their money, and that government owes them funding and services because they’re the Hard Working People That Built This Country. Emotions and identity narratives override logic and reason, there’s no way that a person paying attention in 2024 can’t see that clearly.

Not unless regulation stops it.

Maddow spent a half hour tonight torching Ronna Romney McDaniel and NBC for hiring her.




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Wow NBC News did a Megyn Kelly fiasco speedrun. Wonder how much money they’ll lose this time.

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Probably 0. Megyn Kelly was on air. McDaniel hasn’t done s*** but lose elections for Republicans and debase herself.

Surely she can just go to Newsmax and spew her treasonous hate speech there. Also Newsmax got 50 million dollars from Qatar, what a fucking timeline we’re living right now




But they still have to pay Ronna, right?

For what? She would have been a contributor. As far as I know they only get paid when they appear. She has not appeared, so that’s that.

She probably had some type of signing bonus and other guarantees