Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Millennials’ trail of destruction continues.


LOL millennials are consistently incredible parents relative to boomers GTFO with that shit


Gotta have an insurrectionist on staff to balance out all the pro-democracy views at MSNBC.


Weird, there is a headline on the front page of CNN about NBC hiring Rona, but it links to this article from last year

Trying to put NYT Pitchbot out of a job


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literally the entire american political system is built around worshipping rural voters (“real americans” in the vernacular shorthand), there’s a whole mythology of small family farmers and coal miners (both of which virtually do not exist anymore), this is just another example of “I need 100% of the attention and if anyone else gets noticed, even if it’s just 1% of the attention I get, this is worse than nazi germany and communism put together” fragile white snowflake bullshit


The small-town and rural voters who are unseen like it that way! They create those conditions! Their rallying cry is for government to stay the hell out of the way and leave them the hell alone!


Let us not forget the plot of every Hallmark movie is some girl with a career in the big city realizes that she is better off opening an antique store/living on a farm/baking cupcakes in a small town in the middle of nowhere.


Well I hope their outsized electoral power consoles them. Sincerely, the residents of LA County.


Best part of these movies is that this is literally true. The settings of these films are communities that don’t actually exist beyond our shared cultural imaginary. They are actually better if you don’t take the narrative literally but imagine them as dreams or synaptic fantasies that take place in the protagonists death throws after ingesting some fentanyl laced coke at a downtown party.

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I imagine Virginia has a bunch of nice smallish towns. I think Portland had a couple…Cooperstown, NY is also one. Think they are all high income towns of 4-10k population and all I assume are heavy dem leans.

Those are different than small towns in flyover country.

Pure redneck.

You all are some hate filled individuals.

I imagine they build caricatures about people who live in cities themselves.

Well the hateful ones that don’t talk to people anyways.

You ever see Green Acres?




MSNBC has no plans to have former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on the cable network, its president told employees following the news of her hiring at NBC News.

Rashida Jones, the cable network’s president, has been seeking to address internal backlash in the wake of an internal Friday announcement by NBC News regarding McDaniel’s hiring as an on-air contributor.

Doesn’t seem like they are telling a consistent story.

One lesson is clear, if you’re a hard-charging businessman in the Big City, DO NOT under any circumstances let your fiancée go home for Christmas. Or even fly near her hometown where she could be diverted in a freak snowstorm.

Lurking in wait is her chisel-cheeked high school sweetheart who’s finally ready to date again after his wife’s tragic thresher accident, and his adorably precocious child. Once they rope her into using her big city businesswoman skills to help save the floundering Christmas Ball/Gala/Parade/Pageant (every small town has one), it’s over. She’s never coming back.


I have an idea for a Hallmark movie about nerdy particle physicists finding love in the most uncertain of places called Quantum Entanglement.

“She was charmed. He was strange. When he spun into her world, they clashed like matter and antimatter. But the result was pure energy.”

It practically writes itself!