Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Could this be Zendaya’s big break?


Can two A-listers become A+Listers?

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I’m impressed he has enough money to launch something like whatever that is I didn’t read.

Yea I can’t say it’s a good idea, but unfortunately all he has are bad options. He’s already outgrown Britain, but he got let go from his American job. He’s too far advanced to become another run of the mill columnist, he needs some management job, but there aren’t any for him to take.

Did he get cut from MSNBC?

I guess he didn’t get fully cut, his show got canceled and he got moved to being a contributor like all the rest though

It’s strange because he started out on the JV streaming and they apparently liked his ratings enough to give him a weekend slot. They liked his weekend ratings enough that they gave him the Ari Melber treatment (high profile fill in host with the intent to give him a slot if one became available). Then something must have happened to change all that.

Article says he’s raised $4 million, so he definitely isn’t funding it entirely on his own. Even $4 million doesn’t seem like much runway to me, but (a) I’ve never run a media start up and (b) I’m not sure how ambitious he wants to be. It sounds like he’s going to trying to do many forms of content, but, paying some freelance writers to churn out opinion newsletters is obviously much cheaper than trying to turn out deeply reported and well-produced audio and video stuff.

Ok, I read the article and this part is insane:

‘eventually charge $6 per month via yearly subscriptions’

He has gotta find advertisers to support this and stop depending on audiences to pay for him to bring content to them so he can be fully independent (avoiding advertisers keeps his independence in his mind). How many left wing media startups have there been? More than a few. How many have been successful? Zero and it will always be zero.

You can get streamers with actual content for less than $6 per month, so this will likely be nothing more than a niche thing, which is much lower amplification than he is hoping for. The production value on his MSNBC show was comically low while trying to be edgy, so he probably will just replicate that for his streaming show. I don’t see this going anywhere that he’s hoping and I hope he has enough funds to keep people from having to pay for at least 2 years, which will probably be around the time it fails…if he’s lucky.

We need more articles like this talking about what Trump actually says




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TikTok tho

Meh. 2020 they likely had a lot of dem primary coverage that generated rage clicks from their base, and maybe a little start of covid coverage too.

Barrett joins liberal justices on Trump ballot ban ruling going too far



They’re not wrong, tho.

Anyone describing themselves as a Biden superfan has lost their mind