Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This guy sure knows how natural selection works

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His rallies were chock full of insane ramblings and I think part of Riverman’s point is that the insanity should speak for itself. No labeling required.

I knew Biden was old. Didn’t know he was “only four generations from dudes in the Old Testament” old though.




Trump’s dad was arrested at a Klan rally.

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Trump approval rating +8


i enjoyed the sleuthing in the comments, that the sandwich was actually less than 14 dollars in 2014 when this story took place. and oh, he’s talking about fucking Manhattan where he thinks people would somehow faint at a 14 dollar lunch?

I like how at NYT orientations new employees all snap their fingers like the Jets and the Sharks when they don’t like something.


You snap because it’s quieter than applauding, it’s for when you like something but don’t want to come on to video and clap.

Not just Manhattan, but an employer orientation at the NYT. You couldn’t find a room in NY that is more comfortable with the idea of a $14 sandwich.

Tax + tip?

That’s what we call a bargain

i’m 8 minutes in to lex fridman’s interview with tucker carlson, and he just said “i wasn’t nervous and i didn’t think he was going to kill me… and i’m not particularly afraid of that anyway”.

bet you didn’t express those thoughts in moscow though did you?!?

yeah, made it through the first 30 mins of 3 hours. gotta stop.

i’d cut off a pinky to get 5 minutes in a cage with this fucking guy.

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And I bet Tucker was annoying too.


Will Cocaine Mitch regret conservatives controlling policy through the judiciary for the next 30+ years? lololololol


“looted the supplies being delivered”



I fear that the poor choice here might be trying to start a new media company. I guess some of the new outlets and individual substackers are doing well, but the industry as a whole seems to be going through some hard times.
