Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Thats my guess too. I find it really odd that they released a “This is NOT what the person died of” report instead of, I dunno, a “This is how the person died” report.

To give them the most good faith I would it’s possible the kid committed suicide the day after and they have some evidence of an overdose or the medical staff could have prescribed something incorrectly though that’s doubtful because they probably didn’t prescribe anything, or it’s some bs from the detectives.

This was my interpretation as well.

I fully support all pronouns, but I wonder if somehow we could come up with a different gender-neutral singular pronoun. When multiple people beat up someone who uses “they” it gets tricky to keep track of which they did what. I guess they tried with zhe and that never took off.

Maybe we could just agree to always italicize they when used as singular. That would work in print at least.

In Nova Scotia we deal with this just by calling everyone “buddy”. Instead of saying he/him/she/her, we can just say stuff like “Buddy over here wants a beer” or that “Buddy’s on pogey again”. Woke as fuck, IMO.


birds of a shit-feather…


Let’s play the if democrats did it game.


That was an envelope full of Freedom. Nothing to see here, whaddabout Hillary Clinton?


Nah it was a binder full of women leftover from 2012.

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Not really sure where this should go. But Taylor Lorenz interviewed Chaya Raichik (LibsofTikTok) and some people are really upset about “platforming” Raichik. I only saw one clip and Raichik is somehow even dumber, duller, and less serious of a person than I could have possibly predicted.

I’ve totally changed my mind on this. I used to be on team “don’t give them air,” but they are collectively so stupid and repulsive and way way way way viscerally more awful than the media headlines indicate that I’m all for blasting their insanity to the masses at every opportunity.


People said this about Orange man.

It’s a delicate balance, but I think a lot of these people already have considerable platforms, so staying away from them in order to deny them air doesn’t really make sense.

Dave Anthony recently did an episode of The Dollop around the local wannabe nazi trying to get on our school board (Dave is also a GUSD parent and our kids are friendly) and chose not to name him. I think that was a great decision because very few people know who this fuckwad is and making him more known is exactly what he wants.

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I think Trump had a considerable platform before he started. The consensus seems to be in 2015 and 2016, non-stop Trump coverage made him more powerful and not less.

If it were a NYT-style bothsidesist piece in the hands of someone like Bret Stephens or Ross Douthat, I might agree, but this was intended as a serious takedown and is right on target.

The clips I saw online make her look really bad, but I also saw fake clips she posted — staged at the same cafe with her dressed exactly the same — where she tried to make it seem like she was actually “owning” Lorenz and they made her look worse still. Just a total clown.




Came here to post that. Turley is such a shameless, rage-baiting jerk.

Sure, but tons of that coverage was airing his rallies uncritically. Compiling clips of Trump’s insane ramblings and labeling them as such is much different.