Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It’s pretty brilliant when you think about it.

2020 concerns about Joe’s age: “you have to vote for him, otherwise Trump will win”

2022 concerns about Joe’s age: “it’s just a stutter”

2024 concerns about Joe’s age: “it’s too late to back out now, otherwise Trump will win”

Great job Dems


I thought it was balanced. Trump family depositions with the endless “I don’t remember” clips were great and I think made a good point. But the stuff critical of Biden was also very reasonable. The dude is old and he’s not as sharp as he was. It’s sad that is the best we can do. Are we just supposed to pretend that is not a thing for 9 months? No one is allowed to mention it?


I agree with this assessment and would have written it myself earlier today if I had time.

I took it as Jon saying “yes, Biden is the better choice but Jesus fucking Christ, are these two super old fucks really the best we can do?”



What is specifically wrong here?

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Who cares how Biden talks in public? The dude has barely made a single false move since he’s been president and the economy is at all time highs.

The good news about being President is you don’t have to decide on things in 30 seconds. You can mull it over, even sleep on it!

Biden is 4 years older than Trump FFS and actually exercises. If it was Trump vs. Kamala not a single mainstream media source would even bring up Trump’s age.

Even if Trump was 81 and running against Kamala they wouldn’t talk about his age. He’s anti-fragile. Yawn. No one cares about his age or any other obvious deficiencies. Find something more interesting to write about.

And running anyone but Biden would be political suicide for the Dems. The incumbent advantage is too strong, and you can’t terrify Boomers like you could with Obama that he’s going to give away all their goodies to minorities.


People have wildly different opinions on Biden vs Feinstein on this issue for some reason.

Both were too old! Lets just admit this! Not being able to take even this slightest of criticism is a terrible look!


I think the whole point is that the Dems can’t win if the election narrative is about Biden’s age. It’s not that his age is especially relevant, it’s that it’s a distraction. The median American voter wants lower taxes and racism, and Republicans are happy to give it to them. Dems need to offer them a solution to their real practical problems. Their only competitive advantage is that they will actually try to help regular peope and Rs will not.

Obama won twice by speaking directly to the desperate need of Americans for healthcare. If he had spent all his time defending against false Republican narratives he likely would have lost.

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Higher EV play at this moment:

  • Go with ol’ Joe!
  • Back out now. It’s not too late!
0 voters

Of course running Biden is not the best play. But there has to be something fundamentally wrong with you to want to be president in the first place. That is why joe won’t step down.

He is turning an easy landslide victory into a coin flip.

This idea that a contested primary would hurt Biden is such an obvious thing to say.

I don’t think anyone here wants Biden to run in an open primary. We want him to say he did his job now he is stepping aside.

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I thought Biden’s cookie answer to the Kelce question was relatable and funny. Don’t really understand why Stewart kept making fun of him for it.

Other than that, it was spot on, especially the part where he said (paraphrasing) “no it’s YOUR job to convince the people that these issues aren’t a big deal, not the peoples’ job to pretend like these issues don’t exist”.

I’d be curious to see if the people defending him believe there is any age where a person is too old to run for POTUS. Like surely we can all agree that 110 is too old to run right? What about 90? 86? 82?

I don’t think anyone feels like Biden’s age is an asset, it’s just more like “well we’re stuck with him and he’s not as compromised as a typical octogenearian” (he’s definitely in better physical shape than probably 90% of people his age and probably mentally sharper than, idk, 75%?)

not like the constitution has a mechanism for presidents who die in office


I’d put him over the 95th percentile in both categories.

That said, we’re not comparing him to other people born in the early 1940s, we’re comparing him to other people who are eligible for the presidency.

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And thats probably right and fair, but not the point you want to have to make in his defense

The thing I always keep coming back to in my head is that sure, Biden has had some gaffes and clearly speaks more slowly than he used to, but I haven’t heard anything from behind the scenes about him not being able to do the job, not knowing what’s going on, not having the stamina, etc.

On the flip side, we heard TONS of stories about Trump having no clue about anything. From day one, we knew the gory details about how he couldn’t follow daily briefings and needed them on like a single PowerPoint slide or some shit. And a million tales about how he had absolutely no interest in actually governing.

Plus, of course, all the insane shit - whether intentionally mean, outright lies, or crazy dotard stuff like injecting disinfectant - he has said every day for years in public.


Dems have had 4 years to get ready for this election and Biden is what they came up with, not feeling too confident here.

8 years imo.

The reason that the cookie answer comes across as cringe (to me), is that the entire premise of that type of video is that you are peppering the person with quick questions and they are supposed to be giving off-the-cuff responses. And yet it is clearly scripted.