Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 4.10.31 PM

The gap seems to be closing. Bad news for Biden.

IL. I really could’ve/should’ve voted in 2016. I just didn’t register in time and tbh, I was lazy about it and now feel pretty guilty. I also didn’t think there was any chance he’d actually win. But now I understand the importance of not just presidential, but local elections. It won’t happen again


I got disenfranchised trying to vote right after changing states. Staying in a temp rental with no bills yet in the new states address. Then they sent me to wrong poll location where I wasted almost an hour and finally gave up.

My wife at the time went earlier in the day and had no hassle.

I was so pissed.

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It’s going to be months of this from NYT/CNN. Doesn’t even matter what Biden’s metal faculties are like, he’s never beating the allegations. We’re just cooked.

So Jon Stewart’s first monologue back on the Daily Show just goes all in on the senile Joe propaganda… yikes

Steward is 61 and he’s still consider a fresh, relatable voice in liberal politics.

I’m sure someone can do better


A bunch of things can be simultaneously true.

  1. Biden is probably too old to be running, there is no need to take on all this electoral risk and practical risk of him dying or being incapacitated during his Presidency. This is RBG all over again, he could just step aside and create a better situation for the country he professes to care about.
  2. The propaganda is bullshit, it’s being fed to us by people supporting a candidate that is himself 77 years old already and people were worried about his cognitive situation several years ago.

1 and 2 are not incompatible observations.


I think a case could be made that some people will stop listening if you ignore #1, and then you have no chance to communicate #2.


I’m not sure he can at this point. It’s too late for a voluntary drop out.

He should have done it after the 2022 midterms at the latest.

Would you blame Biden if he thought his likely successor would be Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigieg if he stepped down and he thought he could do better?

What if we replaced Biden with Klobuchar?

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Listen. He’s the only D to beat Trump.


I mean, if Joe drops out, Trump is 100% to win right? If he stays in, Trump is only like a 2:1 favorite?

I think a lot of Dems could beat Trump if Joe dropped out tomorrow. I think most dem senators would win.

oh snap, in my head I figure it’s like ~no shot throwing away the incumbent advantage, but maybe I’m just completely wrong.

That said, I think a strong primary fight where Joe loses would have been very bad. But if he croaked tomorrow I think his replacement would do fine (if not Kamala, who I think would energize the opposition). Klob or Sherrod Brown would be fine.

you’re 100% correct. Anything else is just wishcasting.

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