Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

And it’s important that we process the big charges first, which results in us getting to charge a $39 overdraft fee for every little charge that comes after it, because that’s what our customers want.

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What an unlucky happenstance!

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and yet, in the Biden thread here, i see the majority of people falling for this media narrative hook, line, and sinker.

The media wants Trump.

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The Media wants whatever will generate more clicks, which is Trump and stories about Trump. A good way to avoid letting the media proclaim good days for Trump is to not elect, and then let run for a second term, a senile old man!

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The only certain way to avoid Trump running for a second term is if he dies.

To be clear, I mean that I think people who believe there’s some sort of legal trickery to prevent Trump from running are the very embodiment of the sweet summer child meme.

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Trump: Russia should invade Europe


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Can Chris Wallace join his Dad?

In a narrow wooden box

There’s nothing in that article that isn’t true tho. We are in the midst of a head on collision course as the country plays a national game of chicken. One party is running a frail doddering old man in the hopes he will beat the other party’s obnoxiously loud mentally unstable blowhard

I am already 27 and it seems like a lifetime ago that I just missed being able to participate in 2016. It’s insane to me that a whole new crop of voters turning 18 will have these two to choose from as their presidential candidates

Are we loling this? Because it’s obviously true.

This doesn’t sound possible.


What’s not possible? I wasn’t registered to vote yet. Trump winning is what got me into politics. Fwiw, 12/4/96 if you wanna send me a card for my 28th

I’d say it’s your use of “being able to” that confused people.

You were able to; you just didn’t.


What eyebooger said

Yup I get 19y 11m roughly for Election Day 2016. Cactus, you live in MI/PA/WI?