Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

i had a Bank of America account in college that was free if you didnt use the inside of the bank. like ATMs, online banking/deposits, all that stuff was fine, but if you went inside to a teller you got a 9 dollar service charge for that month. it obviously also had a balance minimum that could make it free but i wasn’t hitting that.

even that bare minimum should be required from all banks, imo.

Several banks, ally for example, have no fee accounts that come with up to $100 cash advance. Ally used to not overdraft anything on debit cards and gave $10 overdraft but you could still overdraft via check. Now debit/check is $100. May require auto deposit not sure.

But this should be a basic framework required by all banks.

Remember when we gave the banks trillions of dollars? Maybe some of that could’ve paid for some of these fees. Guess not though.





I love how they’re upset that someone is trying to get people to register to vote. PLEASE DON’T VOTE. PLEASE!


Stopping people from voting is the only competitive advantage the right has.

If everyone voted they would not win an election anywhere ever again.

Is there evidence that hundreds of thousands of young people registered vote when she linked to it?

lol and even if some did, they’re never going to the creepy church basement on some random day to interact with weird olds.

Hopefully Taylor/The Pentagon pitches voting by mail.

The funny thing is, they have to cheer for San Francisco if they don’t want Taylor to win.


Not hundreds of thousands, but if you squint and make some favorable assumptions, you can probably get to tens of thousands. In 2023 she tweeted about it and the site saw a noticible uptick in traffic. (There were other groups running gotv/registration campaigns on the same day, so I’m hesitant to attribute it all to Taylor, but she definitely drove some folks to the site)

It’s not clear exactly how many of the registrations were tied to Swift’s Instagram. Vote.org reported a 1,226% jump in participation in the hour after the post.

The 35,252 new registrations on National Voter Registration Day were the most since 2020, the organization said, and a 23% jump over last year. The number of 18-year-olds registered was more than double 2022.



That’s…real? What the fuck.


This one is amazing.

News channel modifies a picture of an Australian politician to make her boobs bigger and gives her a stomach revealing crop top

When called out. They blame it on Photoshop automatically doing it

adobe come out with the obvious “uh. It doesn’t work like like that my guy”

Edit. Adding the photo.


I broke the algorithm

quora is the worst site on the internet.

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I got a job from Quora. I posted about how transitioning from poker to bay street was hard and that the CFA hadn’t helped much and a MBA would have been better when someone asked if the CFA was worth it. Someone read my answer and messaged me, then we had coffee downtown and he got me a job at a bank.