Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Lol, his Bay impression is great

“Aim the drill at the ground and turn it on. How hard is that?”

Where is this from? Is this something Ben Affleck does regularly?

The commentary track is only featured on the Criterion Collection’s edition of Armageddon, which was an odd release even at the time (Criterion usually only puts out obscure art films, great works of foreign cinema, and forgotten classics). The DVD is now only intermittently available for purchase on Amazon. The commentary cuts between Bay, the producer Jerry Bruckheimer, and Affleck’s co-star Bruce Willis, all of whom contribute general platitudes and back-patting about the film’s tough production. Then there’s Affleck, chiming in with extended parodies of the film Sling Blade, which was about an intellectually disabled Southerner (played by Armageddon co-star Billy Bob Thornton), making silly sound effects during any elaborate stunt scene, and pointing out all of the film’s numerous plot holes.

I also believe he was battling alcoholism at this time, though I’m not sure if that being a contribution to track was just an urban myth.

I mean sure, space is hard, but how much time has Ben spent in a machine shop?

Sports Illustrated is done. Firing everyone.



Are they replacing their writers with AI or is the whole ship sinking?

When is the last time you purchased a magazine or visited SI.com?

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Back when I used to consume sports content, Si.com was my go to because ESPN was all clickbaity bullshit… and I haven’t even thought about that site in probably 15 years.

Sad. RIP swimsuit edition, the best issue of the year to 12yo me


The 1990s.

They are shuttering. They got hit with a breach penalty of like 43 million dollars(number could be a magnitude higher)

CNN just putting white power headlines at the top of the page now.


Maybe you just didnt see the subheadline “We tend to call these people Nazis”


“Focusing on race.”


Not their worst. Still no bueno.

Genuinely not sure if they are trying to say that he is focusing on the primary race after taking a break for a trial or funeral or something, or if they are saying he is being a racist shitbag again.

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Maybe they’re just being honest with the “we”




I’m guessing some version of “if you cap it then banks will no longer let you overdraft and that hurts the poors” but then some bank could still do it without high fees and pickup the customers no? Blow me banks

With a dash of “the overdraft fees are subsidizing free checking accounts so if you cap the fees then minimum balances will go up”. To which I have a solution - require banks to offer free checking accounts with certain minimum features (like ACA does with health insurance) as part of the right to do business in the US.