Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


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Never seen Catturd before. Of course he’s some cowboy hat wearing boomer.


Smith seemed to try and pit reporters against each other, asking them to rank who was the best in the newsroom. Several times throughout the meeting, he said he has “no idea what you do.”

Strong Elon vibe.


This is a pretty bleak story, yet another quality newspaper is going to get gutted and become another zombie right-wing clickbait outlet.




Need a Y’all Qaeda update

When you scrolled too far on the NYTimes


He is an ass and should have been charged. He purposely ignored the rules risking safety and harming a super delicate ecosystem.

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Wtf. He’s a noted expert on volcanos. I’m sure he had a legit reason for crossing that line. When all that ash is falling on you from the super volcano to the south, you’ll apologize.


On and how in the hell did we get two volcano movies in one year?


After Twister, natural disaster movies were all the rage. Then came the asteroid movies.

I had Deep Impact on TV in the background while I was doing stuff a week or two ago and it wasn’t bad, based on what I paid attention to.

Spoiler for those who haven’t seen it:

I did not expect them to not have a happy ending. They really went to a dark place at the end.

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Deep Impact was pretty good if I remember correctly. Armageddon was absolutely horrendous.

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Loved deep impact.

As decent as Deep Impact was, I must remind you of the grandmother scene in the canoe. That was not decent. Not decent at all.

Let’s try throwing every former president in jail after they office until we start electing good people and just see what happens.

We can wait 4 days until Jimmy’s dead though.

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Its a shame that Armageddon took the box office crown in asteroid movies. Deep Impact is far superior in pretty much every way.


Much like the Armageddon/Deep Impact discussion, Volcano is the much better movie and came up 2nd in the box office.

I don’t think I gave either lava movie a second look. I have watch DI a few times. Armeggedon has a couple of fun scenes I may have watched for 5 minutes but it’s been a lonnnng time.

I’m sure this has been posted before, but Armageddon did give us one of the greatest actor commentaries from Ben Affleck ripping on the premise of the movie.