Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



I’m in shock. It’s a diner safari piece where they actually talk to Democrats instead…



It’s pretty speculative to read a lot into these election results, but I think there may be something to the idea of an electoral backlash against the “parents rights” insanity. Just anecdotally I’m hearing more concern from normie parents that are usually pretty disengaged from politics where they’re pretty pissed off that these whackos are threatening their kids’ educations by weaponizing school policy to feed their fantasies. Regular people who aren’t in the culture wars everyday will tune it out when it comes to arguing about immigrants and trans people that aren’t in their immediate orbit, but the damage of the culture war nonsense comes into sharp focus when it impacts their kids.


Right - I think many parents were upset about schools being closed due to Covid, but that the right tried to take that frustration and turn it against schools being woke. I don’t think most parents care about that - and they especially didn’t care about it enough to support wholesale transformations of schools.

That said, I’m not sure R’s really ran that hard in Virginia on parents rights - at least not in my area (which included lots of ads from the Segura-Perry race). Every R ad was focused on crime and how the D’s were super liberal and were allies with Defund the Police radicals. I don’t think I saw any ads about schools choice. The only ads I saw about education from R’s were about rapes and other crimes in schools going unpunished by liberal educators. I did see occasional D ads about R’s supporting book bans, etc.

Apparently school boards that got heavy into trans stuff got hammered.

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blocking or supporting?

I think it’s actually a great example of how simple, targeted messaging can actually be done right, requiring no further explanations, etc.

“Only Nazis ban books”, is pretty cut and dried. No need to go into long explanations of how “well, actually what we really mean is…”

It’s the old adage about how if you’re explaining, you’re losing, that we saw with the whole “defund the police” debacle.

People have the attention span and brain power of gnats…gnats who have all seen Indiana Jones punching Nazis. Short, sweet, and easy to understand is why on the whole school issue the Republicans ended up being the ones explaining, and losing.


What is the simple, targeted, messaging that requires no explanation to use in place of “defund the police”?

Anti trans nuts lost bigly. The MAGA moms or whatever they’re called.

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“Reform the Police” probably would have been much more effective at not turning off large swaths of the public.


Any catchphrase should have used the word ‘policing’ not police.


except the police are constantly “reforming” so that would be a dogshit slogan

Klanned Karenhood


I’m not signing up for Apple News + to find out how poor this choice was

The only poor choice was the headline, which is horrendous.


Jezebel being shut down??!

Another example of outstanding messaging:


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From an article about gas prices