Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



Don’t troll me like that CNBC


What the actual fuck is this headline?

Hight profile Australian rape case. The victim is being cross examined.

This is the headline

The stuff she’s admitting is not correct?

She described one of her panic attacks as three hours. It may not have been three hours

I’m fuming.

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That case is so messed up. It is basically two media outlets taking sides in a rape case and report accordingly. Both promising book deals and paying for interviews.

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Pretty fucking sick of that case. Dude seems guilty as hell to me but I havent followed it that closely so might be off. Very keen to stop hearing about it though.



Yikes, the answer to “why do redneck Christmas parade attendees, in a county with 30% of the population living below the poverty line, see former president trump as a solution in 2024?”

she said. “I think he cares. I may be wrong, but I think he does.” She said Trump wasn’t perfect but added, “For the most part, when he was in office, even with everything going on, he accomplished a lot.” As for Biden, Temple said: “I don’t think that he has a clue.”

William Thompson owns a convenience store in the area. Working there, he’d seen a lot of people struggle with meth and fentanyl. “I blame Biden for that, too,” he said. Given the chance, he will be voting for Trump in 2024, he said, “because he’s the only president in my knowledge who’s given back to the people and helps the people.”

He cares!


He cares (more about white real Americans than black people or immigrants).


What these people mean is: by being a stupid, racist, hateful asshole, Trump relates to them in a way that no other Presdient has.



How do people get this way?

Fox news/newsmax/social media propaganda and feedback bubble.


People don’t realize this is kind of like a Third World country,” Holmes said. There were many homeless people in the area, living in abandoned mobile homes, she explained. “And in the woods,” Mayo added. “Makeshift tents.” They said homelessness was harder to see there than in the streets of the big cities.

“It’s a terrible situation we’re in. Even people with jobs are suffering because of the high price of the economy,” Mayo said.

As for the 2024 presidential election, Mayo said, “We hope Trump gets back in there. Maybe he can straighten it out … Because it wasn’t in this turmoil when he left. All this has managed to happen in the last three years.”

Oh yea rural Louisana was crushing it before Biden took over

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Do countries that have a university to elite pipeline spend as much time with student stuff as the US does? The entire front page of the NYT is all campus politics




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Wow Biden’s rhetoric is just out of control.


The media should stop critiquing Trump’s rhetoric; it only makes him stronger.

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Wait, are they supposed to magnify what Trump says? I thought people didn’t want them to do that

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