Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Grunching but yes we have and it has been determined that actually Bernie sucks as much as the rest of the lot

For apologizing?

You’ve been out of service too long and your gun no longer works, soldier.

We know he’s an adult because he’s titled himself Mr.

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unburying the Past (more bickering)

Seems like a cheap shot. Didn’t even the dirtbag guys toss brie-brie under the bus?

Idk they’ve probably all thrown each other under the bus at some point because the entire movement is nihilism leftism where your politics are based on who you hate, but she has a tv show now and is more successful than ever.

C’mon, she has a yootoobe. That doesn’t count. This is a Boomer opinion for sure, but a youtube channel shouldn’t count as having “a show” imo.

Damn, Mueller She Wrote is still around, huh

I like it tbh, it puts Biden as the active participant, like he’s pulling a power move. “DeSantis refuses to meet with Biden” would play well with conservatives.

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I’ve met a handful of people who have done this but they were all JAGs or doctors.

You would need to be more of a people person imo.

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I know you like potatoes!

Ah! Well. Nevertheless,

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Tucker advertising his next BOMBSHELL




We Got Him!