Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


No, we don’t remember, because you said you knocked on thousands of doors for Pete and got spat on

Now you’ve admitted you did not knock on thousands of doors for Pete. Go ahead and admit nobody spat at you, either.

Cassette also clearly was saying that getting someone to vote in a primary for Pete is worse than doing nothing. Which is true. And he said it because in no way had you communicated to anyone that you switched from Pete doors to general doors.


You caught me with a lazy short hand, true. You didn’t technically call yourself a True Leftist. You merely expect that your pronouncemrs of who is and isn’t mean something like any one should give a shit. Thanks to this catch, we can go back to not giving a shit.

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For sure, I’m sure there’s way more to it than I’m aware of. Also possible (likely) that Pete is lying or exaggerating, being a politician and all. Just saying that stopping at “he was a management consultant” doesn’t do much for us because that can include a lot of random shit, some completely mundane and some horrendous.

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{time masheen}



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That’s PhD shit right there.

MrWookie: {pontificates}

Chads: Poorly stated and uncompelling.

MrWookie: lol you fucking loser why do you care lol we don’t



Lol. Haha.

Welp. This was mostly a decent discussion. Now it seems like it’s just Forum WarsTM.

My cliffs:

  • Still don’t really have a good handle on who NJR is (or why I should care)
  • The excerpts that I’ve seen are deplorable
  • I’m still pissed at Pete for what he did during the 2020 primary

Out of all the participants recently, I find myself agreeing most with Wichita.


That mf Pete was all like:

I will literally donate to the charity of your choice if you can just quote the post you think is ForumWarz.

You don’t even have to give a compelling explanation (lol i don’t ask mfs to move mountains) just, like, reply to me like I’m a human being and like you’re a human being. Just dig down deep and try.

It’s literally the fucking post right above below yours lol.

Wait @eyebooger disregard everything I’ve said up until this moment.

You agree with the people you dislike in the forumwarz but because those boots aren’t going to lick themselves, you can’t simply just participate in the discussion and instead have resorted to your useless and asinine bullshit for the nth time. You are doing forumwarz. And it is the only post here that does, the one I’m replying to for the 3rd time in a row, lol. You.

Nah, I just don’t like unnecessarily dickish posts.

Probably a big part of why I said that I agreed with Wichita the most today. He disagreed with what Skydiver was saying without being a dick about it.


I’m inclined to say that “unnecessarily dickish” might be what the word “subjectivity” was invented for, but, that’s neither here nor there. Thanks for the reply.

Nobody is better positioned to make this point than you.

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I am better positioned to make all points and if we ever run out of bytes and pixels people are going to be mad at you for wasting space and making the post you just did as if you were giving somebody The News.

Yes, the commissar of “unnecessarily dickish” subjectivity is undeniably 6ix. All would agree. Carry on.

That’s just the thing, there’s already plenty to dislike about Buttigieg’s brand of Third Way centrism and pro-war politics. It’s odd to me that people zero in on conspiracy theories about Black Ops and Stepford husbands instead of stuff that’s demonstrably true and bad about his politics.


I can’t believe how Pete and Chasten picked their kids out of a CIA catalog. Pretty fucked up.
