Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Albert Einstein

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Kind of surprised nobody replied to this point but I guess it’s been litigated on lots on this site but I can’t resist.

I think what’s killing politics is the cynicism of the politicians not the progressives. I’m not American but in Australia in the last 20 years politicians do fuck all, both sides, other than lowering taxes for the rich, sucking off corporate interests and jailing refugees. I won’t say that no politicians go in with idealistic goals but it appears that they wilt quickly into cynicism. The resistance of the non political class to these things seems to be the only thing that gets anything done, or at least changes attitudes and awareness to issues facing society, with any speed. And we kind of need haste not bits and pieces and sweet sweet pragmatism/incrementalism when the planet is dying. I understand the anger and impatience from many here/elsewhere. And I don’t see much different in Australia than from what I read about the USA.


Do you know what so-called means? You’re the one calling people that. Jesus Christ you’re stupid.

It’s also wild that you still don’t understand that people who preferred Bernie do not believe he’s a saint with perfect positions on everything or even anything.


It sounds like Wookie is trying to say “self-called” which is not what “so-called” means. But “so-called” also doesn’t mean “something I, myself, call people sarcastically.”



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They don’t teach Words at Plant School settle down Chads.

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You say that like it’s a good thing.

Your neighbor who sat at home watching Netflix did more to make the world a better place.


Yes I know it’s Biology not Botany but it’s like that famous quote, “When in Rome one shitposts like the Romans.”

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so-called Plant Master and True Leftist Vivisector


Don’t worry, it’s mostly fictionalized.

Thousands of doors? Over what amount of time?

Also I’m grunching and it’s thursday amirite so I ain’t reading this shit, but, did we successfully rererelitigate litigate for the first time the Dem Primaries?

Remember how fucked up that was? Just to name one thing, there was a Goddamn pandemic and they had to essentially pause/cancel all that shit and then somehow everybody treated it like Smokin’ Joe was the first one to Call Dibs.

It’s homophobic and racist to not support the Pete Biden plan to use teamwork in the primary

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1. Electability, handling a crisis, a return to Obama policies: Advantage Biden


Well that’s just Good Politics™,

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I know you wish that mf Joe was sniffing your hair but grownups are talking now.

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Around 6 months. 60-75 doors takes about 2 hours. I would walk 3-4 times a week, more as the primary got closer.

Yes. Thousands of doors. Not to mention as organizing director for the county I also kept track of all these numbers over the course of the campaign.

But please, call me a liar again.

As for this

You are a deeply unserious person. You think me getting people to turn out for an election is less worthy than sitting in your ass shitposting, lol. Remember, Pete dropped out before most of the people I talked to voted. So they voted for someone else, a lot of them for Bernie. You’re welcome.

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Did you mean to respond to someone else with this?

An exit poll analysis of the night of the long knives – how Hitler started hitlering out.

by Some Simple Fuck

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I was about to be like, um Chads is fucking super gay but then I realized you switched to Cassette and I was like, Ol’ Skydiver dodged a bullet there.