Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This is how you write a headline:

Johnny Bench made an antisemitic comment during a pregame news conference to honor the three newest members of the Reds Hall of Fame, one of whom, former Reds general manager Gabe Paul, was Jewish.

During the event, Pete Rose started to tell a story about Paul, noting, “When I got out of high school in 1960, Gabe Paul signed me to a contract for 400 bucks a month.”

Jennie Paul responded, “That cheap … never mind.”

Bench then said, “He was Jewish.”

Several people in the audience laughed. Others did not.

and it’s not the same story, but we get this chit from the parent company:


Dang I used to pretend to be Johnny bench and Pete rose on my bat away (maybe it was called swing away) in the backyard,

I am afraid I might be antisemitic.

I hate these people so much

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Typical mainstream media coverage of labour actions. Their owners want the public to be mad at the strikers, lest they look at it and wonder why they’re not striking for better conditions in their own line of work, so they frame it as “How does the strike affect you/the little guy/mom and pop shops/average folks?”



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See??? Knew it was all bullshit. A witch hunt like nobody’s ever seen before. My stepmom was right!

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I see that nothing was done about Gutfield

Go get her Rupert!


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What the fuck? How does my childhood hero manage to come completely out of the woodwork to be a shitbag?

What an out of the blue punch to the nuts.

He did work for Marge Schott.

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Even as a young kid when I was incredibly sheltered and thought everyone was decent, she struck me as a vile human.

He’s from Oklahoma

I thought she was horrible because she let her dogs do whatever and treated them as more important than the people who worked for her.


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From Pitchbot’s Twitter:


Ok first of all, the framing of this tweet is just bonkers.

But that’s just the tip of the buried lede-berg: