Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Just in case anyone had any doubts about the character of insurance agents.


Sounds like many of the agents reacted appropriately.

File this under things Nate probably should have thought about before selling the FiveThirtyEight name.



Boomer feminist discovers the internet and goes naval gazing after losing an argument to a 15 year old MRA.

This is hilarious. An appropriate title would be “Why the media is so bad at their job” and yet here we have the media being so bad at their job they don’t even see it.

Nate should have thought about the biases of pollsters when aggregating polls.

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I mean, I am struggling to see what is wrong with what that guy said. Rasmussen’s polls are notorious for skewing right and being wrong.


Just going back to 2020 and looking at the late polls from Rasmussen and…they don’t seem that bad?

Taking only the final polls into account (Oct 29 or later):

Nationwide: Biden +1 (actual: Biden +4)
Ohio: Trump +4 (actual: Trump +8)
Pennsylvania: Biden +3 (actual: Biden +1)
Florida: Biden +1 (actual: Trump +3)
Arizona: Trump +4 (actual: Biden +<1)

(Earlier late 2020 Rasmussen polls don’t show any kind of right skew either IMO)

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Wasn’t the thing that they ran way different and self corrected in the final poll. Seems like it was more off in earlier polls but I could be misremembering.

Fascinating stuff:


She must have really been stocked up.


Nothing to see here, just the mainstream media normalizing Moms for Liberty and saying SCOTUS is just calling balls and strikes.


The session gave a glimpse into how these parents — many of them newly engaged activists — are trying to shape the media narrative as they become more powerful within the Republican Party and the candidates court their favor ahead of the 2024 elections.

Ziegler’s main message was clear: “The media is not your friend.”

“If you give [the media] the least amount possible, you’re fully controlling the message,” he said. “The more you give them, the less you control. The less you give them, the more you control.”

Attendees asked Ziegler how to persuade reporters to go to their events and how to get “positive” messages out. Ziegler’s presentation emphasized the importance of being on the offensive and not letting your guard down.

“They’re lazy,” Ziegler said of reporters. “They have no idea what’s going on at school board meetings. Oftentimes they don’t even know how local government works.”

I read the whole thing and…she’s kinda right, if wordy. I mean, her points really all boil down to two things: homophobia and it’s source, misogyny.

I kinda wish she would have talked about that more. Homophobia caused by deep-seated misogyny, is so ingrained in our society, especially for men, that I’m not sure how to fix it. I mean, we can go out and tell men that it’s ok to express feelings…but when society as a whole STILL codes that as “girly”…there we are right back at homophobia and misogyny.

It’s a real problem, and until legitimate people address it, we’re gonna have Andrew Tate and incels filling that void.

oh no anyway


Baragona describes Turning Point’s past events as “Fox-heavy affairs” that featured speeches from Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, Jesse Watters and other Fox hosts. But Fox News is distancing itself from TPUSA, according to Baragona, because it is “wary about letting its stars appear at conservative events with known election deniers and conspiracy theorists in the wake of Fox’s massive $787.5-million settlement” with Dominion Voting Systems. That includes the 2023 Turning Point Action Conference, abbreviated ActCon.

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Unbiased media outlet unbiasedly reports on the news of the day, unbiasedly


I hope the troubled teen is ok, no need to ruin his whole life over one slip up. The urban thug, him we should lock him up and throw away the key. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

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Playing Devil’s advocate here, in the one example they use “teen party” did they just not want to repeat teen twice in the headline?

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Could be. Also possible I suppose that different people wrote the headlines. But it’s a really bad look.

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I think this is a very common theme in reporting of crimes. Black teens are referred to as men in the media while white teens are children. Have seen this type of side by side posted more than once before.