Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The crimes Trump is charged with do not carry mandatory minimums. They use the sentencing guidelines which is basically a points systems that recommends a range of time based on the crime and some other factors. Judges don’t have to follow the guidelines, but they do tend to stick within the ranges. The sentencing is done by the trial judge, so Cannon will have discretion. If convicted, Trump will obviously argue for a light sentence, and I can even imagine the Secret Service might support some arguments in favor of house arrest based on the logistical difficulties of providing protection in a standard prison.

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So you’re telling me he can get convicted, Cannon can sentence him to a week at Mar-a-Lago and then he’s good.

I’m sure when that happens, @Cactus will be here to tell us that the system worked!

Why would you say that? That’s a gross misrepresentation of anything I ever said about Trump and his crimes

I feel like you would be spiking the football over him getting technically convicted and now we’re all “shifting goalposts” again. If you are saying you wouldn’t do that, then that’s great.

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I’d collect on my conviction bets, but would no way be spiking any footballs. Conviction and sentencing are two totally different things. I’m even money on conviction and on record as saying that I’d need much longer odds for prison time

Your comment implies that I feel he doesn’t deserve a rather harsh prison sentence and nothing could be further from the truth

Come on, man

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No, I’m definitely clear where you stand on that.

has anyone ever been shanked in the colorado supermax?

A quick Google turns up a few murders.

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I really don’t think so.

That’s too “LOL DEMS” even for Biden.

For anyone wondering how an inmate could kill someone in Supermax:

The facility houses inmates at six differing security levels: General Population Units (“Delta”, “Echo”, “Fox”, and “Golf” Units), the Special Housing Unit (SHU), the Special Security Unit (“H” Unit), the Control Unit, Intermediate/Transitional Units (“Kilo” and “Joker” Units), and Range 13.[25] Many of the security levels at ADX have special purposes or missions for the inmates who occupy them. The Control Unit houses inmates who have committed serious conduct violations or acts of violence at other institutions. It also houses high-level members of organizations deemed as threats, such as prison gangs. “H” Unit houses inmates who are members of terror groups so designated by the Department of Justice or who have had special administrative measures (SAMs) placed on them.[26] Range 13 is a special four-cell wing within the Special Housing Unit for inmates in need of the tightest control. As of 2022, the only inmates publicly known to have been incarcerated in this unit are Thomas Silverstein and Ramzi Yousef.[27] The two Intermediate Units house “step-down” inmates, who can earn transfer to another institution if they remain incident-free while housed in the unit. This is the only unit in ADX where inmates secure themselves in their own cells, can walk freely in their range, and associate with other inmates

Puff pieces in NYT and WaPo today

Fox was running stories around lunchtime today on some round table show about how left was being mean to her by calling it insular marriahe

Is “insular marriage” some kind of tradwife euphemism?

It’s how the WaPo article describes them

And then it continues on for a few paragraphs about how the Post couldn’t find anyone who would consider Casey a friend.

You don’t make a lot of friends when you marry the “pronounces Thai like thigh to test women” guy.

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creamy Thais

It sounds like just a polite way of saying they’re weirdos.

Here now the news.

guys, come troll tf outta chiefsplanet with me lol