Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I don’t really require reinforcements lol lord forgive my vanity

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Lol. There’s maybe a 20% chance of a pardon.

Which thread?

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um just the washington and DC subforum or whatever it’s called

there’s plenty of decent humans in the wider forum. check the juneteenth thread in the main lounge, not the dc subforum

The fuck? Did they not watch what happened when CNN did this?



I had a WTF moment while trying to confirm that MSNBC President Rashida Jones is not that Rashida Jones.





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if they do like Fox dude did. rekt

The guy quit after sexual harrassment allegations.

That doesn’t make the headline?

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Maybe women are the real sexists for calling sexist men sexist!

I may need to share my "one weird trick’ for mentoring women without getting accussed of harrassment…

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NEW YORK — On the fourth day of his new life in New York City, Antony Reyes set out from the opulent lobby of Manhattan’s Roosevelt Hotel with an empty wallet and the address of a juice bar on Broadway possibly offering some work.

Reyes had been staying at the crowded hotel-turned-emergency service center, hunting odd jobs during the day along with other newly arrived Venezuelans who navigated the streets of midtown using “Las Pantallas”— the Screens (a.k.a. Times Square) as a landmark.

“I just want to work,” Reyes said in Spanish. “I didn’t come here to be a burden on anyone.”

Reyes, 23, was among the tens of thousands of migrants who rushed to cross the U.S.-Mexico border ahead of May 11, when the Biden administration lifted the pandemic policy known as Title 42. The largest group were Venezuelans, who have been arriving to the United States in record numbers since 2021.

It’s called the system working as designed you fuckheads. This is the biggest success story you can get out of the shelters.

Ok now I’m in a blind fucking rage way too early in the day.

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Those immigrants and refugees crossing the border sure live in the lap of luxury alright, living in an emergency service center and hunting for odd jobs every day.



And they have cell phones!

Not only is the claim laughable, I would say that scientists actually did a pretty darned fantastic job of explaining exactly what the risks of climate change were. Illustrations of the impact of rising sea levels were some of the most impactful public messaging around the topic. And they warned about increasingly damaging natural disasters (which is happening) and risk to food supply (which is happening). They didn’t just do an adequate job, they did a fantastic job.


Their kids should eat the cell phone, IMO.

Knowledge Fight has been covrring the Tucker Twitter episodes because Alex Jones is being a shithead and sucks and they dont feel like covering him right now.

His second episode is fucking lunacy, arguing that we are a nation who celebrate pedophiles. His reasoning? We got mad at Kyle Rittenhouse for killing a man with a sexual assault of a minor conviction.


For anyone who wants to listen