Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Who is that person? I do not get the context.

It’s the Queen after she died. It says he’s accused of intimidating the Windsors.

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That just seems like collateral fallout.

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He’s some Canadian RWNJ. Someone called him out for protesting a pride event and he went and took a hospital selfie with that persons dying dad while the dad was sleeping. He then posted it on Twitter as a reply to that person.

He’s been arrested for harassment.

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NYT can’t help itself


The producer offered to resign with two weeks’ notice, but was told to clean out his desk and leave immediately, he said.

McCaskill was named this spring in a lawsuit filed by a former Fox producer, Abby Grossberg, who also worked on Carlson’s staff. Her lawsuit said McCaskill “habitually belittled female employees” at Fox. He said that a room at Fox set aside for employees to pump breast milk was a “waste of space” and should be replaced with a room for men to tan their testicles, according to the lawsuit.

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If any Dem pardons trump im out for good. Let the nazis win I don’t care.


Biden should pardon Melania and Baron just to troll Trump.


Also the daughter whose name Donnie Dumb Dumb can’t remember. The one that he doesn’t like as much as Ivanka because she’s not as good looking.

Biden is absolutely going to pardon Trump if he’s still president if Trump is convicted.


Yeah what is Marla maples kids name? I can’t even remember. Candy? Mandy? Sandy? Wait is it Tiffany?

I realize that I’m getting way ahead here but if Trump is convicted on any of the counts are there mandatory minimum jail times associated with them.

Could he get “convicted” of one or more counts and then pay a fine or some shit? Or just get sentenced to house arrest at Mar-a-Lago?

I feel like federal judges have less leeway in sentencing, but to be honest I don’t even know if they sentence or the jury does. I just know in a lot of cases the sentencing guidelines are adhered to pretty closely. Have no idea what those are for these charges.

Lawyers speak up and correct me.


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Anyone else would get 10+ years in prison for this

Dems are a lock to “move on” or whatever, of course only further emboldening these psychos in the future

Judges sentence. There are sentencing guidelines that take into account a bunch of factors and provide a range for the sentence. The prosecutor also makes a recommendation. Judge then decides - usually they pick a sentence within the guidelines, but that is not required.

For certain crimes there are mandatory minimums (but with zero research, I don’t think any of Trumps have mandatory minimums).