Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The Italian world for eggplant is melenzana. Is “moulinyan” a made up American-Italian word like gabagool?

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I was thinking the same thing and I looked into it a bit. Apparently there is some Italian dialect where that is the word for eggplant.

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I just used it as an insult with a funny sounding image. I did mean to use eggplant as it’s the first word that popped into my head.

I was not using it in a sopranos way, BUT I recently did rewatch all of the sopranos and it is entirely possible that the word was seeded during that process. But I don’t think because of the racial slur part of it.

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Can’t even be bothered to read to find out why “this is good”.

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It’s WSJ so just hypercap trash pulled right out of his ass presumably

Whoever leaked that stuff should have whistleblower protection.

My media appetite is mostly Czech news but also look at CNN front page and UP posts but never read the articles posted here.

It’s worked for me. Less anger and anxiety.

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Proving the theory of how even the unintentional human algorithm is designed to promote engagement through rage and anger.

By Gordon Gecko


Millions of his dead victims could not be reached for comment.

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But what about the millions of people he didn’t kill? Both Sides!







I don’t know if the replacement will be better or worse (I assume worse because of who owns CNN), but it seems like giving a gilded megaphone to coup guy is a self-own? eta: I guess he’s not even technically fired/demoted, Licht is still at the top of the org chart but yeah doesn’t really portend well for a long stay there.

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