Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This has to be an improvement. /sweetsummerchild


I gave up on MtP years ago. Used to watch it religiously.

Human doormat retiring


He’s probably heading to Fox to make them more “respectable”.

I’m in High School. I Hope Affirmative Action Is Rejected and Replaced With Something Stronger.

Not to go to hard at a 17 year old’s op-ed but

The Supreme Court will soon decide the fate of race-based affirmative action in college admissions. Its ruling will be of particular interest to my class — high school juniors who would be the first affected by a change in admissions policies.

Like many Asian American students, I believe the system as it stands makes it more difficult for me to gain acceptance to elite colleges. I would be lying if I said this didn’t bother me that admissions officers may hold me to a higher standard because of my race.

At the same time, I do want my eventual college class to be diverse. That’s why I hope the Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action so colleges are forced to create a better system, one that promotes diversity by helping those who need it most.

I wonder what this kid thinks colleges used to do, and why AA was implemented in the first place, because striking it down isn’t going to force them to create anything.

Make College Admissions Great Again! Failsons are being oppressed!

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They turned off the comments for that op-ed.

If colleges could find a way to monetize diversity, they’ll jump at the chance.

Man, I really am this close to starting a liberal Twitter account where I start every tweet with “HOLY SHIT.”

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The New York Times now finally says that Ukrainian swastikas are bad. Can you guess WHY they’re said to be bad?

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because they’re bad PR

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like come on guys, choose different runes!

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CNN gave Nikki. Haley a town hall last night? Seriously?!?!?


In the only clip I saw she was essentially blaming high teen suicide rates on trans kids. That the trans kids just being around somehow made teens more suicide prone. No pushback whatsoever from Jake Tapper, I can only imagine it got worse.

EDIT, here it is:


Also, “the women’s issue of our time” is trans women playing women’s sports? State after state are forcing women through potentially lethal pregnancies, not allowing abortions for rape etc, my god Nikki how fucking status-hungry and lost in MAGA shit are you? Fuck you.


They don’t have economic calamity to get their fascist base riled up about like we had in the 30’s so they’re using haters of trans and gay communities to do it. It is a very old playbook really.

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Umm… I can’t judge Jeremy and his familial relations.

Such both sides. Much responsible.

Lol Tucker Carlson released his new segment on Twitter and he don’t got it. The first couple of minutes are about out the dam explosion in Ukraine.

He goes the obvious route of blaming it on Ukraine and saying the US media is warmongering by calling Putin evil, but I’m like sure do a Ukraine dam segment when you have a hour long show, but this is Twitter and you have a 10 minute video and you start with foreign policy? Come on no one cares about that. You need that red meat. Trans people! Black people! Blue haired liberals! Come on man

Edit: took him 5 minutes to mention a trans issue in passing. He then immediately talks about the UFO whistle blower. Shaking my head. They don’t make blow hards like they used to