Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


getting hit by an asteroid would also be a nightmare for joe biden

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I’ve had some dumb fucking takes on the internet, but my god.

The actual article isn’t nearly as bad as that headline suggests.

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It’s pretty incredible how the entire punditry world operates in a reality free zone where Trump supporters are policy-oriented pragmatists

Good call - thanks for posting. Yeah the quote comes from the question “Imagine you’re a G.O.P. operative or campaign manager. What’s your elevator pitch for a Scott candidacy?”

The Trump supporters they know at the golf course pretend to be thst way when in mixed company.

Some of best friends are black!

There is nothing in the world that makes libs happier than calling people racist, which they won’t be able to do if you vote for Tim Scott, which will make them cry their lib tears.


Ding ding ding.

But they’re going to all vote for Donnie Dumb Dumb when he calls Tim Scott the n word. “I like that he’s not afraid to say what we’re all thinking!”

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yeah that’s fair. it’s only half of a total four statements from michelle goldberg on the subject, but they certainly know how to put a top-3 dumbest quote into the headline.

from the same article.

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Should anyone ever take an opinion seriously from someone who voluntarily named themselves “ToryAnarchist”

Let them god damn fight.

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In the way Dukakis was a nightmare?

GOP voter turnout would be so low for an uncharismatic black eggplant Republican.


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His penis?

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Gotta be a typo for “establishment”, but eggplant republican is way funnier.


TIL moulinyan (from Sopranos) means eggplant. It’s a racist term for black people.

Not saying that what happened here to be clear.

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