Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Magnificent graph in The Sun last week:



This is some bad streaming show shit, yet it’s real life.

On that note, I’m 100% sure this will not be covered by the cancel culture dinner party crowd.


I fucking knew it. I went down the rabbit hole a bit on this because it seemed pretty incredulous that any politician or non profit or anybody in charge of anything would kick out homeless vets for immigrants in today’s political climate.

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One month after firing its most prominent host and election fraud peddler Tucker Carlson — and settling a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million — the network is reportedly dissolving its investigative unit and laying off reporters.

“The rank and file journalists are getting let go,” one Fox employee told Rolling Stone in an article published Friday. “Meanwhile, upper management are sitting pretty while they are the execs responsible for the Dominion debacle. We are the sacrificial lambs.”

i cant believe they still had an “investigative unit”. that couldn’t have been a money maker on fox news.

WSJ having a normal one.



Nobody even knows who George Soros is.

If we are going to help someone, it should be homeless vets not illegal immigrants.

So you want to help homeless vets?



I mean… what would you even do at the Fox News investigative unit?

“MTG says there are jewish space lasers. The truth is more complicated.” (A company with a jewish CEO invests in a company that makes a satellite part).

“Does sweeping the forests prevent fires? Watch as 20 local diner patrons try to find out. The results may startle you.” (it doesn’t)

etc etc

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Kuiper got axed by NBC.

Sure seems a bit harsh.

The number of times I’ve heard in the media that they are negotiating raising the debt limit makes me lose all hope for humanity.


The NFL draft guy?

No, the guy that slipped up when talking about visiting the Negro League HOF in KC.

I saw that story. I just assumed the guy told his friends “Watch this!”