Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The Ingraham thing appears to be based solely on the musical chairs theory of programming, so I’m not that hopeful.

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Yeah I’m not believing it but will accept with open arms if true. She was on top of my twitter feed for like a year, pre Elon, until I finally blocked her.

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Every month, more than two hundred people from the media, academia, and other intellectual circles are invited to a private hangout in New York City, which is known as the Gathering of Thought Criminals. There are two rules. The first is that you have to be willing to break bread with people who have been socially ostracized, or, as the attendees would say, “cancelled”—whether they’ve lost a job, lost friends, or simply feel persecuted for holding unpopular opinions. Some people on the guest list are notorious: élite professors who have deviated from campus consensus or who have broken university rules, and journalists who have made a name for themselves amid public backlash (or who have weathered it quietly). Others are relative nobodies, people who for one reason or another have become exasperated with what they see as rampant censorious thinking in our culture.

In early 2019, while Paresky was visiting New York, a friend forwarded her a dinner invitation from the journalist Bari Weiss. “Dear Thought Criminals,” Weiss’s note began.


What, so like if someone had sued the Angels for serving poisonous hot dogs, and they said “ok part of the settlement is you have to release Shohei Ohtani”?

Dinner for the cancelled - as long as what you are cancelled for is mainstream conservative positions that are prominently espoused on all of today’s biggest social media platforms.

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Yea I read this part

The Thought Criminals gather all over New York City. They’ve sung show tunes at Marie’s Crisis Cafe, a piano bar in the West Village often frequented by gay men. They took a river cruise on the East River, sponsored by a sympathetic, unnamed nonprofit organization. Once, they ended up in an Upper West Side mansion with a group of financiers and people in the arts who also meet in private to talk about controversial topics. Occasionally, the party goes on the road: Katz and Gold recently hosted a gathering in D.C. at their newly purchased home in Georgetown. The house didn’t have any furniture yet, but the couple bought liquor and a few folding chairs; their guests ended up sitting around singing folk tunes as someone played the guitar.

and thought oh, so this is just your normal Republican meet-up sessions at rich people houses, even including the wierd cruises the conservatives movement puts on with the journalistic cherry on top of talking about that one time where they were just slumming it with no furniture just like the youth punk- do-it-yourself ethos… right before the interior designer and the movers came in with the 6 figure amount of furniture.

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I don’t know baseball but maybe. I could see it if after two years of back and forth with the Angels’ law people delaying and lying on behalf of the scumbag owner the guy who bought poisoned hot dogs started to develop feelings that weren’t entirely based on the amount of money he might get. Especially if the hot dogs were Trump-brand wieners.


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Could they suck themselves off any harder?

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Trump is once again on the front of CNN. Yesterday it was that he has been exonerated on Russia. Today it is that he is going down over documents (LOL).

The Bari Weiss origin story is her writing an article just like this one. Emma Green is several years late.

She’s just going to make more money outside of Fox, just like Tucker, and there’s nothing any of us can do about it.

More than Fallon and Kimmel combined

What if CNN agreed to split out trump coverage up, we could get anti trump takes MWF and pro trump TTh

What’s hilarious is that Bari’s true origin story is that she was a campus activist who tried to get a pro-Palestinian professor fired. Just exactly the kind of cancellation campaign all these IDW guys complain about. I don’t think she’s ever addressed the hypocrisy.


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"CEO David Zaslav offered a look at his vision for CNN going forward, saying the goal is to “show both sides of every issue,” which includes bringing more Republicans on air.

Speaking at an investor conference Thursday, Zaslav said leadership has been making adjustments to change the view that it is a left-leaning network, in an appeal that he says includes bringing in more advertisers, as well as Republican guests, noting, “they’re not going to get one more vote on Fox News.”

“We need to show both sides of every issue,” Zaslav said.


I really always wonder which ones are cynical manipulators, and which ones are true believers, in the game to present The Two Extremes On The Exactly Perfect Dichotomy (No More and No Less) That Is Every Issue as… two very similar, wholly owned subsidiaries of the same extremely narrow band of governing results compared to the world at large.

In the end, it’s like the difference between heritage but not hate liars, and those with decent hearts who are fooled: none, functionally



What an absolute fucking prick!

That’s the only thought I have about this. Elementary kids. jfc
I’d be quite happy if a benevolent sniper took this fuckwit out.