Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Why would Tucker want this narrative out there? This narrative is one that lets Fox off the hook for firing Carlson. Tucker would want the narrative to be that he was fired for his bold truth telling. From his video from last week: “But there are always limits. And you know if you bump up against those limits often enough, you will be fired for it.”

Lol. I like to think dominion demanded he be fired just because.

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I would have done it. Lol.

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You’ll never make it as a PE bro!

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I don’t know, Tucker is legit dumb. People weren’t talking about him last week, this week they are. His Twitter show will launch and die within a few months.

People weren’t talking about him last week???


seems like some substantial engagement on that tweet.

But I love this, “you are correct, my theory makes zero. This is because Tucker is dumb!”

I don’t know anything about that stuff. I think of Mitt Romney, and this Wall Street scene. I mean, even private equity assholes might have feelings.

The numbers are substantially inflated.

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All I know is that the story is a lie and Tucker is the source of the lie. I don’t really care about his motivations.

Sure - they might care if it was them being attacked/screwed over, but it was just a company they bought. I’m guessing they were quite happy to turn their $40 million investment into a $800 million settlement.

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Again you’re just making this up. It makes much more sense for Fox to be the source of the lie.

lmao why, in any business sense, would “Dominion” as a company demand Tucker be fired? Please explain this to me.

If anything, they’d love to keep him on the air, because if he or the other idiots defame them again they can just sue them again. Its like a business, with blackjack and hookers and suing people for defamation. In fact, forget the business.


hold on a second, it does make sense for Dominion to demand Tucker’s firing. As the Variety article says, Tucker was one of the least-involved Fox News personalities in the suit. Dominion demanded he be replaced with someone more likely to defame them in the future.

Get Tucker fired. Now you have two future defamation targets. Get them to fight and inform on each other. Easy game.

I don’t have a position on whether or not Dominion would want Tucker fired, but the idea that it was part of the $787.5M agreement but not written into the agreement is beyond ludicrous.


Why are we still doing this?

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This is how white men fight

Tucker’s firing was originally in the written documents but they were using the Dominion Word application so when they hit print, the documents mysteriously changed. Makes you think.

