Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Biden’s popularity would go up by 10 points if he just took out the Trump playbook and told McCarthy to fuck off. He’s looking spineless.

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but what about the “norms”???!1?!?!1

On April 26, Carlson spoke by phone with one of Fox Corp.’s eight board members, who told the host that his recent benching was a condition of Fox News’ settlement with Dominion Voting Systems, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the conversation.

Dominion and Fox Corp. both strongly dispute that the decision to take Carlson off the air was directly linked to the settlement.


makes no sense at all

If Dominion opted to blow up the deal, Fox would return to square one on settlement talks or potentially subject the Murdoch family empire to a jury trial that would undoubtedly expose more embarrassing details about the operation of Fox News and fallout from its 2020 president election coverage. Unlike Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo, Carlson wasn’t a key player in the suit that claimed Fox News repeatedly and knowingly aired false claims about the company with regards to the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

They’re going to pass up a billion dollar cash windfall to get someone more or less uninvolved in the suit fired? Why?

What I have heard so far is Biden hadn’t moved an inch on the debt ceiling.

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Because Tucker is the source for the story and he’s an idiot and a conspiracy theorist.

I have drafted settlement agreements. Every sentence and every word is negotiated. There are no major provisions of settlement agreements, such as “fire Tucker”, that are not written down in detailed terms. It’s just not a thing.


Right - as discussed, Dominion is owned by a NYC PE shop, more likely than not they support Carlson, but at the least, they care way more for money than about getting Carlson fired.

I’m guessing Fox is leaking trying to show they had no choice but to fire Tucker.

He’s the conspiracy theorist?

Variety is just printing Tucker’s wild ass speculation? They’re saying they’re talking to Fox executives.

They’re saying their source, Tucker, heard it from a board member. Their source is lying or the board member is lying. As Tucker is a known liar trying to make himself look good, I assume it’s Tucker.

This is pure made up bullshit. It’s like the old Whitehouse stories sourced from Steve Bannon.

On April 26, Carlson spoke by phone with one of Fox Corp.’s eight board members, who told the host that his recent benching was a condition of Fox News’ settlement with Dominion Voting Systems, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the conversation.

The unnamed board member told Carlson that the condition does not appear in any of the settlement’s documents, and instead was a verbal agreement. If Fox didn’t comply, the settlement was off, Carlson was told.

Right, you just made it up, probably without reading the article.

I’m not sure their source is Tucker - they don’t say that and later just reference “a source familiar with the matter.” It could be Tucker, but also could just be someone who claims to have knowledge of the phone call (which may or may not have actually happened).

Well, they deny it. But Fox wanted to settle so they could still get the money even if Fox said no to booting Carlson. Why not ask for a cherry on top?

It says “multiple sources with knowledge of the conversation.” One of them could be Tucker but Variety wouldn’t run it without a source from the Fox side as well, I’d imagine.

Why not ask for the cherry? Because you’d like to have $787 million. I don’t blame dominion for not asking that Tucker be fired. It’s an $80M company owned by a hedge fund, and Tucker was hardly the worst anti Dominion voice at Fox.

If I were Dominion and could get $787M I wouldn’t even require that Fox pay for postage of notices, much less an “unwritten” provision that they fire their top rated host.

Why would Dominion care one way or another? Private equity bros care about Tucker being on Fox? I mean maybe they do and this is all an elaborate plot to free Carlson from his contract. Genius.

“Well Tucker, which board member told you that you being fired was a condition of the settlement?”

"I can’t say "

Tucker is doing this to deflect the story that he was fired for being a racist with a show that had a hostile work environment. He’d rather say that the libs forced Fox to fire him.

The article quotes a source saying they wanted to punish Fox. Is that rational? Maybe not. Entirely plausible though.

“They forced Fox to terminate the irreplaceable Glenn Beck to harm the network.”

Fox’s money to Dominion is going toward $20 shots and hookers for finance bros. They don’t give two shits about Tucker.

It’s not really plausible though. If it were the Dominion founders, I could see them being pissed that their company’s (and their) reputation was attacked, but Dominion was sold to a PE shop. No way a PE shop gives a fuck about hurting Fox’s reputation more than it cares about $.