Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Lmfao. Stupid or in on it

Help our Nation prevent threats of all kinds – Webster University :vince1:

I have to say I think that I for one would sign up for paying Supreme Court Justices a whole lot more money. They are public servants who do a very important job and why shouldn’t they be paid half a million dollars or heck even $1,000,000? It’s only nine people. We can afford it. I think it’s not a terrible idea at all to compensate them and perhaps provide them with other benefits.

Problems that can be solved with money are actually the easiest problems to solve in some ways.

If we pay Clarence Thomas $1 million, there’s no way he would want $2 million.



Fuck CNN, fuck Chris Lick


Why would he want to spend his money on stuff when someone else wants to buy it for him.

Money money money

Brooke Gladstone is once again the only media person who’s remotely serious about covering Trump in a responsible way.


Lips and hips, or else I don’t eat

Will SF stop at nothing in its quest to destroy America?

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Yeah CNN is campaigning for Trump


Man fuck CNN. There is zero lane for them here commercially so it’s just naked support for fascism.

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Just saw they finished behind Newsmax last week. Maybe there is a delay before the deplorables tune in? So far just driving away the “moderates”.

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Absolutely zero on CNN web about the Rudy stuff, nothing.

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CNN knows their business model is dying, they have no plan.Trump is like crack for them, smoke it and get an instant ratings boost from the oldsters who remember the 1980s. The high is fading but what the hell else can they do.

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I’ve refused to go on CNN or Twitter. The Twitter one hurts, but I can’t take it anymore.


I can’t take the debt ceiling coverage anymore. Every outlet is covering it as some standard negotiation, it’s incredibly bad.


They may as well, since Biden caved and is negotiating with the terrorists himself now.

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