Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Bring it

Bring it we are strong together

I’ll go yes on Porter, just barely. Her whole schtick is that she just a typical suburban mom. But she has her moments, so since our standard is “a hint of coolness”, I’ll give it to her.

No on Booker. No one sounds as fake as Booker does. Every time I see him speak it looks like he is auditioning to play the role of politician on some CBS drama.


Ron Wyden seems actually good, not sure on cool

I was going to say the same about Brian Schatz.

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Having intelligence and integrity, being straightforward, honest, accessible, or relatable can all be cool. But we’re talking about politicians so those are scarce qualities.

This is literally the only thing I know about her but imo she’s pretty fucking cool.

oh my God I didn’t realize there was video. I have to tell you I find this woman’s strength extremely attractive.




You’re over the line, buddy.

Booker has so many hints of cool.

In 2019, Booker told The Washington Post about the early days of courtship, explaining, “I mean, gosh, that night we talked for hours and hours. I had trouble asking for her phone number…I think I said something really stupid like, ‘Uh, how would I get in touch with you?’ And she mercifully said something like, ‘Oh, you want my phone number?’ And my insides were like, ‘Hell, yeah!’”

Dawson also told the newspaper at the time that she found the politician to be “so charming,” “confident,” and “capable.” She continued, “It’s not like that translates to being some super-smooth kind of guy. That’s not his style. What wins me over with him is definitely the dad jokes.” The couple took things slow at the beginning of their relationship, waiting to publicly confirm their relationship until March 2019 when the actress was spotted at an airport in Washington D.C. She told TMZ at the time that things were, “so far so wonderful. He’s a wonderful human being. It’s good to spend some time together when we can.” In May 2020, the pair also started living together, moving into Booker’s Newark, New Jersey home in the midst of his campaign to become the Democratic presidential nominee.

This doesn’t exactly support his cause too well.


If we’re going down to the state legislature level, I’ll throw in a nomination for the Tennessee Three.

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I think people this cool generally don’t stick around for the shitshow that is national politics, and it’s worthwhile to think about why that is.

Lol you only wish you were cool enough to say that and still date Dawson for three years. Booker is cool. Is he someone you’d hang out with? Idk. But he def has a hint of The Stuff.

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Porter is running the jewels and on a plane of coolness that escapes you.


You’ve never heard the rumor that Rosario Dawson was his beard?

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This should be worth a few coolness points:

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If anything, that makes him even cooler.


Would a beard make Lindsey Graham cooler?

No thanks.

This is her in Getty images. She’s very cool lol.



99% of it is being able to win state seats without having to deal with the national level Dem machinery and/or selling out to the corporate interests that control the party.